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Posted - September 6th 2023

Edited - March 17th 2024


Your mom yelled at you from the front seat. You rub your eyes, tiredly groaning as you sit up. The leather sticking onto your skin from the heat.

"Good morning sweetie, were here." You mom smiles at you through the rear view mirror. You and your mother where moving away from the big city life in the states into a small city in Canada. Uranium City, Saskatchewan. A small city with a little over 70 people living there. You hate having to move here and leave everything and one back in the city and move here, To a town where nothing happens. The worst part about it, You don't even know why your moving. You have some speculations but nothing out of the ordinary. You also fear that moving might take a toll on your single mother.

"Well what do you think?" Your Mother says as you both walk out of the car into the lawn. You look up at the biggest house on the street and most likely the town. While most of the houses in the town are small ranch houses or affordable family homes, this one looks more luxurious. Like the kind of house that the rich family in town would have.

Looking up to the house it has a nice clean stone walkway up to the front door. With the walls being a forest green brick and the roof being a cool grey. The house also has a brick lining of natural deep browns and light blacks. From the outside you can tell it has two floors and plenty of rooms. Not the biggest mansion you've seen but definitely fancy compared to the smaller more run down looking houses surrounding it.

 Not the biggest mansion you've seen but definitely fancy compared to the smaller more run down looking houses surrounding it

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"How did we even afford this?" You say turning to you mother bewildered. Your mother letting out a sweet chuckle at your amazement. Shrugging as she responds.

"Something happened to the son of the family who used to live here a year or two ago and the parents just left town. Whatever happened to that kid must've been bad because this house was the cheapest one on the market here. I could not just let an offer like this go. Do you see how big it is."

"Hm" You respond looking back up at the house. "You sure we need all of this room? It is just the two of us."

"We can figure something out. Plus i've been meaning to setup and office for my art studio. Its been getting us some cash. We can use that while I look for a job around here. Judging by how small this place is i doubt i can find one her. I look in a town over." You mother replies. Determination shown across her face. She slides her hands together as if she was dusting them off and places them on her hips. Russiling the fabric of her liberty blue cardigan.

"Well let's start moving these boxes" She say, Trying to get rid of the awkward silence between you two. Your mother and you get to work and start moving the boxes from the back of your car into the house. Most furniture was left in the house so the only thing you needed to do was stock up and put up some decorations.

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