Chapter 2

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A warm touch wakes me up. 

 A young woman sits next to me, patting my face with a cloth. She looks around my age, a warm smile and kind eyes greet me.

"Good morning. I hope your feeling okay, you got quite a smack." She lays the wash cloth down to grab something off a stand.

I look around me, I lay in a large bed swallowed by pillows. The room is dark, inlayed with stone. A fire place crackles in the corner, warming the rugs on the floor. The only light in the room is offered by large windows either side the bed, it looks unnatural, almost like it doesn't want to be here.

"This should help with the headache." She hands me a small wooden cup filled with a clear liquid.

I stare at the cup in my hand, not quite sure if I trust it.

"It's safe to drink. Trust me, everyone here wants you well." she pats my hand before getting up and walking to the large wooden door.

"I'll let them know you're up." I hesitantly sip from the cup as she leaves, closing the door behind her.

No taste comes with the liquid and I lay it back down on the dresser. Slowly moving the sheets off I stand up to look out the window but my head quickly starts to pain with the movement. I grasp the wall to steady myself as I inch towards the window. My eyes adjust to the light to see I'm right above water, it reaches across the horizon. The only land in sight are the small cliffs the room sits on top of.

Looking around the room further I see that it is bland, the walls not decorated and other than the bed and dresser it has no furniture. 

The door swiftly opens to Cains dark figure, he looks around the room to spot me by the fireplace.

He smiles as he walks towards me, "It is good to see you awake, you have been out a couple days. We were starting to get worried."

I back away from him "Where am I?".

He shrugs his shoulders "Where you belong, although if you had just come with me in first place this transition could have been much easier."

"I don't know who you are, why the hell would I just come with you. Where am I?" I rub my head as another wave of pain hits me. 

He leans against the fireplace crossing his arm, smirking at the pain he knows was his doing. "This is my my families land. We used to have a much larger estate, but that was taken from us. so now we have this...dungeon-"  He motions to the room, "Which is where you are now."

I look at him plainly "That does not help me. Are we still in Newfoundland?"

He laughs at me. "We aren't in your world sweetheart. If it made you feel better I'll say we're in Eire."

"Ireland? How the hell did I get to Ireland! And why am I here?" I yell at him, tired of his antics. 

Suddenly I'm roughly pushed up against the wall, a hand harshly grips my face.

"Do not raise your voice at me little one." His breath fans across my cheek as he whispers in my ear.

"You only need to be alive and I know many ways to punish someone."

I let the breath I was holding escape as he lets me go, walking towards the door.

"Follow me."

I rub my throat as I leave the room, trying to stay up with Cian but keeping a few paces behind him. The farther from him the better. We walk through numerous boring hallways that match my room. Stone layered on stone, the halls are lit up by the cold light of the sun and torches burn on the wall. I feel like I've been transferred back in time.

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