❥﹒第 25 章

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Her gaze shifted from Riki to the other sorcerers who had gathered around, many of them familiar faces from her past—former classmates, friends, acquaintances. She couldn't help but let her eyes briefly land on Sunghoon, his glossy eyes locked onto her, but she quickly averted her gaze, unable to hold his stare for too long.

"Everyone gathered here, open your ears and listen closely," her voice rang out, clear and commanding. "On the coming December 24th, when the sun sets, we shall conduct the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. It will take place in the crucible of curses: Shinjuku, Tokyo, and the holy land of Jujutsu, Kyoto. We will unleash a thousand curses upon each place. And, of course, their command will be 'massacre.' If you wish to avoid a scene straight out of hell, come and stop it with all your might."

Her eyes once again met Riki's, the tension between them palpable. "Let us curse each other."

A sudden shrill scream pierced through the tension, cutting through the serious atmosphere. "Mom! The store is gonna close!"

Riki's eyes widened in confusion at the mention of "mom" from the two teenagers. Haru chuckled softly, breaking the serious moment as the two girls, her adoptive daughters, tugged at her sleeves, their youthful impatience contrasting starkly with the gravity of the situation.

"I adopted them," she explained with a casual shrug, offering a small, rare glimpse of the warmth she still held within her.

Riki nodded, his gaze shifting to the two girls as Haru and Shuhua exchanged words. "Is it already that late?" Haru sighed, turning her attention back to him, her ex-best friend. "I'm sorry, Nishimura. My girls here, Shuhua and Yuqi just insist on getting some donuts."

"Hurry!" Shuhua called out to her "mom" as they headed off, their youthful enthusiasm momentarily breaking the tension of the gathering.

"I'll be taking my leave," Haru announced, preparing to depart.

"Did you think we'd just let you leave?" Riki's stern voice echoed, the seriousness returning to the moment as the other sorcerers closed in, determined to confront her.

She smiled serenely, her demeanor oddly serene despite the circumstances. "Yes," she replied, her gaze locking onto Riki's. "You don't want to do that."

As her words hung in the air, ominous black smoke began to seep out from behind her. From within this dark cloud, a monstrous curse took shape—an abomination of a deformed human body that sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers. More curses emerged around Haru, their grotesque forms a stark contrast to her elegant poise. They encircled Riki's students, effectively trapping them, while the other sorcerers watched in disbelief at the dramatic transformation their former colleague had undergone.

In the midst of the tense standoff, Haru gracefully bowed, a mocking gesture of politeness, before she approached her bird-like curse, her two daughters already settled on its back. "Well, everyone, see you on the battlefield."

With a wave of her hands, the inky black smoke enveloped the students, causing the curses to disperse and return to their respective sorcerer. Haru's avian curse took flight, ascending into the sky with a powerful rush of wind that sent all the Jujutsu sorcerers tumbling back, unable to prevent her escape.

Riki stood rooted in place, his eyes locked on the spot where Haru had vanished, a swirl of conflicting emotions swirling within him.

Ten years had passed, and he had finally understood why he hadn't returned to Shibuya, one year from now, as he initially intended. He still had a chance to change their fate. He still had a chance to change her.

A faint, determined smile crept onto Riki's face, a glimmer of hope igniting within him. He now knew what he had to do, the path he needed to take to ensure they both could find their elusive happy ending.

And this time, he wouldn't hesitate a bit.

"God damn!"

The room was charged with an overwhelming sense of anger and frustration as Jay unleashed his fury, his clenched fist landing with a resounding thud upon the table. The collective gaze of the sorcerers present shifted away from their principal, unable to meet his eyes as the weight of the situation bore down upon them.

Jay exhaled heavily, his hand raking through his hair as he tried to regain his composure. "Put out a call for aid to all alumni, the three major clans, and even the Ainu Jujutsu Society."

The classmates and former friends of Yang Haru hung their heads, their expressions etched with a profound sense of sorrow. The room seemed to grow heavier, and the air became thick with the oppressive weight of their shared remorse.

"It's all-out war!"

Park Sunghoon abruptly rose from his seat and left the room, followed by the somber gazes of Heeseung and Jake. Their eyes closed briefly, and their heads bowed in silent reflection, struggling to contain their emotions.

As Jay continued to speak, his words hung heavily in the air, an unspoken dread settling over the room. Riki stared down at the table, his heart heavy, while Heeseung buried his face in his trembling hands. The room was filled with stifled breaths and nearly inaudible sobs, a mournful chorus that underscored the gravity of the situation.

"This time, that curse, Haru, will be completely..."He paused, taking a deep, ragged breath before raking his fingers through his disheveled hair.

His voice, though still tinged with anger, carried a resolute determination as he continued, his eyes locked onto the blue-eyed sorcerer before him.

"... and without any form of hesitation, exorcised!"

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