Chapter One: Love and War

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Quick trivia You'll need for the chapter, 

Siltmire Terrene: Home world of Lenopan race, I'll tell you at the bottom where I got the name from,

Also for those here to see what's changed this is not a true re-write of the Original Muddy Princess chapter, rather it's more of a revamped or since this is Ben 10 it's a recalibrated chapter?

Things that haven't changed, Lucy being Princess of Siltmire Terrene(A now at least me named planet(which considering I made her princess in the Og chapter I really should've named it,)

Things that have changed, the seriousness of the wedding as it relates to the Universe, and Siltmire Terrene's Monarchy is now a character I've thought of beyond what spawned Lucy's adorable hyperactive ass, and the Monarch being in attendance, Gordon and Betty Jeane getting a more 'ptsd' style re-work, these aren't people who can be brought out of years of racism by our adorable whiskered blonde making excited speeches, and the wedding in general will have more people there, including Gwen and Ben's parent's, there's more, but I can't spoil everything now can I? 

Let's begin,

Ben sat in the rust bucket as he stared at the Omnitrix a device that allowed him to change from a ten year old kid to a multitude of forms each with their own special abilities that suited different situations, a device that had along with it brought not only fun and a chance to be a hero but also great danger,

His grandfather Max and cousin Gwen were in the front seats Gwen was no doubt thinking about what Grandpa Max just told them about the Plumbers and the Lenopans,

"So we're at a wedding between Cousin Joel and a- what again?"

"A Lenopan War- er, Ex-warrior Camille Mann," Max explained,

"Mann?" Ben asked, "Really?"

Max sighed, "The idea of surnames are hard enough for them, so they chose a simple word and just added another letter to it since Both Camille and Joel wanted a Human wedding, which means Camille needed a last name," He explained,

"So do Lenopans have a wedding Grandpa?"

"Not as far as I know," he said, "but most of Lenopan culture is unknown to us, they like fighting, and that's as much as any of the Plumbers know,"

"And what about that term you used before? Sludgepuppy?"

"That?" a voice asked from behind shocking the two kids, they turned to see a cheerful red haired woman behind them, "Sludgepuppy is what the Plumbers called us because the sects of our warriors that first encountered them were under an oath of silence, and after that nobody cared to say, ''Hi our race are the Lenopans, we would very much like to smash you to paste," she said, "Hi I'm Camille," she said, "Happy to answer any questions about Lenopans you have, But... could I borrow your grandpa for a second?"

Max sighed, "Gordon and Betty?" he asked, already getting up,

"Sorry Max, but they're at it again," She said,

Max rubbed his brow as he walked towards the exit of the Rustbucket, "Where are they?" he asked,

"The main hall,"

Max stepped outside and Camille took his spot on the seat, "So Ben and Gwen right?" she asked, "I've seen pictures of you both so I know who you are," Then her eyes lit up, "Oh and as further development on the whole ''Sludgepuppy'' term, Lenopans don't really get offended by it, the most anyone has ever felt from the term are the Lenopans who learn what a Puppy is, and even that's just confusion, because we don't look much like dogs, honestly when I decided to move to Earth I was so confused when Joel showed me what a ''puppy'' was,"

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