4 The Last Rose of Winter (4)

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Fu Yun's heart pounded so heavily that he felt it would jump out of his chest the next moment. Before, he had worried whether Yue Ji would show up and if he would accept his gift if he did. He never would have imagined witnessing such a scene though.

He put the plain fabric over his arm and lifted the white fur with trembling hands, carefully placing it over Yue Ji's shoulders and making sure it would stay where it was. His hands lingered for a moment as he was suddenly reminded of the dream from last night.

In the dream, they hadn't stood much differently from now, just that he had wrapped his arms around Yue Ji's waist. For just a moment, Fu Yun was tried to do the same. His gaze even slipped down, noticing how the willowy waist in front of him seemed even more slender compared to his dream. Before he could reach down there, he chastised himself though.

Last night might not have been a spring dream but it sure was one filled with a sweet and romantic atmosphere. In reality, their relationship was nothing of the like. Even if he wished for it, he couldn't rush it. They had hardly even talked, after all, and he did not know what Yue Ji's attitude toward him or humans in general was.

He took back his hands with some effort and smiled lightly. "It's all done." His voice had sunken to a whisper but in the quiet night and this close to each other, it was still audible enough.

Yue Ji turned around to him and reached up, brushing over the white fur on his shoulders before reaching over and touching the gray one over Fu Yun's. "It's beautiful. Thank you." He thought for a moment and then leaned closer, his neck craning lightly.

Fu Yun stared at him in a daze, unable to believe what was happening even until the moment their lips touched.

Was he ... still dreaming? He blinked in confusion and gazed at the silvery eyes in front of him that were different from the green ones he had seen last night. It shouldn't be?

No, this indeed seemed to be reality. Otherwise, it would be much too real. He could see every detail of Yue Ji's appearance, he smelled a faint scent of roses standing this close to him, and there was the faintest warmth where their lips touched. If this was a dream ... well, he'd rather not wake up again.

"Yue Ji ..." He whispered his name when the spirit finally pulled back. He wanted to ask but didn't even know where to begin.

Yue Ji held onto his cheeks for a moment longer before he dropped his hands. Still, he held out one of them as if expecting Fu Yun to grab it.

The hunter was still in a daze but he reached out despite that. Their fingers touched and he took a deep breath, silently following Yue Ji around the trees in front. He didn't understand but whatever was supposed to happen, he'd accept it. If it was a dream and he'd wake up in an hour or so, he'd also be willing to take it. Anyway, it was a sweet dream that he liked very much.

The two of them reached the clearing that Yue Ji had come from and the spirit pointed to the middle where the rose bush was covered in snow. "This is where I live."

Fu Yun looked around with a sense of wonder. This clearing looked a lot like the one he had seen in his dream. It didn't make any sense though. Seeing a slightly different version of Yue Ji and imagining a sweet scene of them being a couple wasn't too odd. Maybe a little too specific to be comfortable after just one encounter but still possible. But yesterday, he had not set foot on this clearing. How could it appear in his dreams then?

Yue Ji looked up and noticed his gaze. "What is it?"

Fu Yun turned his face and a hint of embarrassment appeared on his expression. "Well ..." He wasn't sure how to explain. If he said that he had dreamed of Yue Ji, wouldn't the spirit think his thoughts were too impure? He was a bit afraid but also felt that he couldn't stay silent now that he had been asked.

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