03| all is fair in love

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Somewhere by the docks, CG Miami.

POV: {Sheri Abbah}

"I am going to kill her one day Bennett, I swear it. I can already picture my hands around her neck and oh... It feels satisfying!"

Bennett laughed, his booming cackle echoed through my phone's speakers and slowed my heartbeat.

"You think I'm crazy too don't you?"

"No I do not think you're crazy, Sheri."

Who was Bennett? Bennett Berkeley is my best friend- forget William Sander he is a piece of shit like his backwater sister- has been since sophomore year and will continue to be. Bennett was the smartest guy I knew and the coolest most popular nerd at Lantern but maybe that's because he was a sex icon.

"I can't believe I let that witch get to me tonight of all nights. You should have seen my Nonna. Even cousin Chelsea who never speaks a word because she and seven year old Kalea who is also in the family business of believing they're better than everyone because of their Daddy's networth had shit to say to me." I paused and mimicked her four stupid words. "Like be for real, it's 2023 no one says that anymore!"

Bennett chuckled, "Let's try this again... How was dinner with your cousins tonight Sheri Abbah?"

My shoulders slumped as I relented, "Amazing."

Scratch the best friend part, Bennett Berkeley was also my therapist, assuming he wasn't an eighteen year old highschooler who didn't even have a diploma but trust me he was real good at this.

Inhaling deeply, I dangled my feet in the flowing water beneath the docks, allowing the tranquil sound of flowing water, cricket noises and the twinkling stars calm me.

"That's okay you can breathe out now." Bennett said over the line.

"Thank you for always listening to me and my bombshell family drama." I cooed, feeling snug as a bug finally.

"Always princess. Kisses."

"Fuck off!"

The sound of muffled argument carried by the breeze seized my laughter causing my head to snap around quickly.

"Bennett I gotta go, I think I'm hearing angry voices."

"Sheri you're in Miami. Get out of there, don't end the call and share your live location with me on SC right now."

Quickly I did as he commanded, gathering my dress in my hands I got up and hid from the street light in the shadow of a yacht.

"Why are you not moving young lady?"

Hitting the red icon, I hung up on him. I couldn't leave till I satisfied my curiosity.

In my defense, you don't come across good gossip everyday so don't judge.

Two grown men came into my peeping vision. I couldn't really make out facial features because of the dim lighting of the sensor lights but the man with the seemingly broader physique had a lighter hair color and he didn't seem happy about something.

Their unpleasant interaction continued until the big guy stepped onto a Sunseeker Predator 84 and damn was she a sight! Who am I kidding? This is Coral Gables, home of rich couples with expensive boats. I could get used to this.

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