Chapter 1

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815 BC

In the middle of the sandy desert of Northern Sudan in the Mukuria Kingdom there was a pretty girl called Fatima, she was only 15 but she was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom and many men tried to engage her but she kept refusing because she loved a poor boy called Akosh , But oneday she found her lips coverd in blood and Kohol, the "Kohol" is a black material used as an eyedarken but also for lips tattoos ، it was very painful but it worth it she thought, it's a tradition before marriage , girls have to turn their lips colour into black as a beauty mark for married women and it lasts forever like their supposed love.

He always wanted to see her with black lips, but he never imagined that she will dye them for someone else but him, tomorrow she will get married , Fatima, the girl he loved and did everything for chose to walk away, leaving Akosh in a state of profound sadness.

The loss pierced Akosh's soul, shaking him to his core. Each dawn that rose over Mukuria carried with it a heavy burden of memories, reminding him of the love that slipped through his fingers. He once vibrant spirit retreated into the shadows, overshadowed by heartache.

- Where is father?

- He went with the men to Kloda's house. They are fixing the entire ceiling and roof.

- And you have to go too?

- Of course, as you see the women went already to cook the feast of tomorrow's wedding, if we didn't help them no one will help us when the time comes for you and your sisters to get marry.

- Don't worry,I have no intentions of getting married.

- Stop saying these silly ideas! ,When you marry, you will have the biggest wedding all over the kingdom. People will talk about it for years!

- Talking about what, mom, What a pity..

- What?

- You know what I mean, my father, my glorious father was a prince, a future king, and he left it all behind for what?Just to marry you , now he is just a poor farmer who owns only one cow .

- I don't like your tone kid ,what is wrong with you?

- Nothing

- listen, you are sixteen years old and you still living here under our ceiling, you never worked or earned a single penny until now, it's not our fault that Fatima dumped you because you are poor, you have the full responsibility of your financial situation not us, look at Satti, two years younger than you and he is getting married tomorrow!

- Is that like you saying I'm a failure?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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