The green flames

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-"50 thousand Grands!!."-

-"60 thousand Grands!!."-

-"75 thousand Grands!!."-

-"Sold !!! for the demon wearing a black vest or whatever!"-A masked person holding a small wooden hammer pointed straight at a demon wearing a black vest.

A large room with chandeliers and blood-red chairs, formal and neat black suits of mafia bosses, this place is located in the heart of NOTAMAFIA town, a flashy villa that no one knows what illegal activities are taking place inside.

These bastards know how to live in hell, they capture sinners who have just set foot in the devil's world, hellborn babies or demons with a large amount of debt, all of them was brought to this villa. Being sold, given as gifts . Some will become servants, sextoys, henchmen, etc....without having to be paid, a huge profit for the stingy mafia or tycoons on the brink of bankruptcy.

The auction is still going on, "pay once, use for a lifetime". The items posted, this time, have a rather special product code, which can be said to be "the best".

-"666, the best code we have today, does anyone pay 30,000 grands? Did I just hear 40,000 grands???"-The devil holding the microphone wearing a luxurious suit said right after a cage glance is brought up.

Inside was a female Imp, wearing an almost transparent chiffon dress, revealing her seductive curves and white scars as if she had gone through many fierce battles.

It slowly opened its eyes, its beautiful face like a porcelain doll showing confusion and fear. Her hand moved but then she realized she was chained up like a animal , just waiting to be sold.

With urgency, it rushed towards the iron door of the cage to find a way out, but the chain pulled it back, with great force, it fell backwards and hit its head on the cold wooden floor.

-"40 thousand grands"- The auction began, it seemed like the mafia bosses were amused by the action of what was in the cage.

-"50 thousand grands"-A demon shark was standing with a scarred tail and said, clearly he was just a bodyguard performing his duty. Sitting next to him was an Imp wearing a dark blue suit with thin red stripes, he was known in the Mafia as Crimson, a notoriously cold-blooded gang boss, he sat staring at the iron cage or rather, that female Imp with an unpredictable expression.

The room was still bidding fiercely to decide who would own that item code when a scream rang out, breaking the tense atmosphere of the room.

-"Fire!!!!"-The scream came from behind the large door, everyone in the room looked towards the door, as if holding their breath for a few seconds in anticipation before a fireworks shot. The fireworks crashed through the door, straight into the row of red chairs, causing a huge explosion, followed by other fireworks rushing to all parts of the room, leaving nothing but green flames and screams along with the sound of footsteps. Their feet trampled each other trying to find a chance to survive when the room began to burn fiercely.

The female imp sit in a cage , frightened ,  before her eyes was a firework rushing madly towards the iron cage, her eyes closed as if accepting her fate. The iron cage exploded and the imp flew away, hitting a red chair that was on fire and falling to the floor.

The fire began to spread down the imp's body lying on the floor, its limbs began to be burned by the fire as its consciousness became hazy, its headache seemed to fight against the heat of the fire under its body, its vision went black gradually and its eyes completely closed.

-"Take her with us."-The Imp with white hair said, Crimson watched you burn before turning around and slowly walking towards the door with the escort of his subordinates.

His bodyguard, Alessio, put out the fire on you and took off his coat and covered you, he quickly rushed out of the room with you in his arms.


666 NEWS!

-"A mansion in Greed Rings caught fire, it suffered heavy damage after the fire but along with it , dark evidence that no one cared about appeared, they arrested sinners or hellborn of hell and brought them to that mansion, here, they organized the sale of what they called "living items" "- The demon spider was holding a stack of papers in her hand and said, it was a famous reporter News anchor, known as "Katie Killjoy".

-"So was anyone killed in that fire?"-The masked devil asked and looked at Katie, the "Tom Trench" reporter.

-"I don't know but honestly, no one give a fuck about it so shut your ass mounth Tom"-Katie said with a smile on her lips.

-"Well, the evidence related to that incident was mostly destroyed in the fire but it was suspected to be a fire that occurred at the orphanage that trained those-.... "-The TV was completely turned off.

-"The treatment has been completed, sir"-Alessio said with respect as his hands were behind his back.

-"Damage?"-Crimsom asked, sitting in front of the fireplace with his back to Alessio, green flames rising like the color of the fire burning that night in the villa.

-"Burns on legs and arms, sir."-The bodyguard answered, his face expressionless.

-"Will she wake up?"-Crimson asked as he took the cigar out of his pocket ,  he brought it to his mouth and took a puff.

-"Will be , sir." - the bodyguard replied.

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