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You slowly opened your eyes after being awakened by the sound of a wooden door opening and footsteps, two dark shadows gradually appeared before your eyes, they were saying something that you still couldn't make out.

Your eyes gradually became clearer, glancing over before completely widening in surprise, you jumped up in panic, wanting to scream but something seemed to block your throat , preventing any words or sounds from coming out . You breathe heavily in fear, your chest heaves as your limbs shake, adrenaline begins to secrete, making you more nervous than ever. The unhealed burns on your skin began to bleed due to your recent strong and sudden movements.

You frowned, your face grimacing as the pain gradually became worse, the brand new white bandages on your hand began to change color as they were soaked in the drops of blood oozing from the unhealed burn.

-"Call the doctor."-Crimson told his bodyguard, Alessio nodded and left.

-"Calm down kid, you're safe here"-Crimson said, he reassured you.

You slowly regained your breathing balance, your hand slowly found its way to your side as if wanting to grasp something, along with the discomfort and wetness, you looked down and realized you were bandaged all over your body .

You narrowed your eyebrows, your face frowning again as your hand gradually moved forward, curling your hand into a fist as if ready to fight back if he tricked and attacked you.

-"Put your fist down, kid, you can't hurt anyone with that skinny hand."-Crimson said before the doorknob slowly turned and in walked Alessio, followed by a imp doctor. Alessio stood aside and the doctor approached you.

-"I will need private space with my patient."-The doctor said as he opened the red box that looked like a first aid box. Crimson and Alessio left, leaving you alone with the doctor.

You sat up straight once you determined they weren't going to hurt you, maybe at least for now.

The doctor took out medical equipment one by one, he held out his hand to signal you to give him your hand. You look, hesitate.

-"It will be less painful if you let me do it for you."-The doctor said, his hand remained still, waiting for your response.
You were a bit skeptical but maybe that was the best choice, you slowly stretched out your hand and gave it to the doctor.

He took your hand and gently removed each layer of bandage. Blood began to leak down, soaking the cloth that the doctor spread out before as each layer of bandage was removed , the pain penetrated to the core as if reliving the moment of being burned alive again. You grit your teeth and wince, your toes curling up as you endure such pain.

After a while, a new layer of gauze has been neatly rolled on your hand and the pain has subsided a lot.

-"Try not to move too much, just lie down and rest these days and you will feel better."-The doctor advised you, he arranged things neatly in the first aid box.

You moved your lips, wanting to say thank you, but no words came out. Seeing that, he frowned.

-"Can you speak?"-He asked.

You just gently shook your head at his question.


-"The treatment has finished, sir, he is outside waiting for a status report."-Alessio said respectfully.

In front of him was Crimson sitting on the balcony reading some documents with a cigar in his hand.

-"Let him in."-Crimson said after he take a puff from his cigarette.

-"Yes, sir."-Alessio bowed and turned around, opening the door for the doctor waiting outside.

The doctor entered the room, he was ready to report your situation.

-"Sir, your patient is temporarily okay, the wound has improved but she should still avoid strong movements, rest for a few weeks and she will be fine."-He said, suddenly his face became serious.

-"One more thing, sir."-He said.

Crimson turned his face , smoke coming out from the half-smoked cigar he was holding in his hand.

-"She has become mute and lost her memory, sir, but only temporarily. As for when she can speak and remember, I don't know, maybe after a few weeks, months or years but at some point , she will be able to speak normally again."-said the doctor.

After hearing the report, Crimson just waved his hand to let the doctor know his part was done. He nodded and bowed to Crimson before leaving.

-"Mute and have lost memory... pitiful."-Crimson mumbled, his face was unpredictable when he uttered those words but we could tell, he didn't really feel 'guilty' for you.


A few weeks have passed and your wound is slowly recovering, Alessio and the doctor sent by Crimson to check on you every day-which makes you quite uncomfortable but you have no choice but to accept it.

The room you stay in is quite wide with a large bed and basic items such as a table, chair, wardrobe, a carpet and is also connected to a separate bathroom, quite comfortable.

Crimson also had someone fill your wardrobe with suits, skirts, dresses and shoes, you didn't understand why he did this, it didn't do him any good.

During the time you've been here, you haven't left the room once so you really don't know what is outside this room , the number of times you've met Crimson can only be counted on the fingers of one hand as he is extremely busy with his business.

Today, as usual, Alessio came to visit you but this time it seemed different from last time as he brought a black dress with a white apron.

-"When you feel better, wear this dress, you will be a maid here."-Alessio said as he placed the neatly folded dress on your dresser.

-"You can go down stair to meet the servants in this villa to ask for more information about what you will do, boss has instructed them."-Alessio said and came closer to check your health as usual.

After conveying your words and checking your health, Alessio left, not forgetting to close the door.

You lie down and look up at the ceiling, sighing and looking at yourself. You've almost recovered, your body have more scars than before but you don't remember where did some of the scars come from.

One side of your arm was almost completely white, leaving only a few red spots where the fire had not yet spread.

You lay there, your eyes slowly closing. You fall asleep.


You slowly open your eyes after a long, comfortable sleep, feeling like your body has completely recovered, you feel it's time to get out of the room and see what does this villa look like.

Slowly stand up. You have walked around the room a few times during the recovery process, so walking is no longer a difficult problem for you. You found your way to the bathroom, not forget to carrying the dress that Alessio brought yesterday.

Turn on the shower and let the cold water flow over you. You stand there for a moment to feel the cold water on your skin before starting to scrub yourself and brush your teeth.

You step out of the bathroom with the towel on your soaking wet hair . After gently rubbing your hair for a while, your hair has dried somewhat. You take the apron and put it on. You look at yourself in the mirror . A knee-length black dress with long puffy sleeves, high neck and a clean short white apron makes you look petite and adorable. You put on black socks and low-heeled doll shoes and left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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