Chapter Twenty-Three

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We leave  Bianca  with   Brandy   to   continue  the  preliminary stages of the

investigation and  head  back  to   the   car.  We   don't   acknowledge  where

we're going  or  what that might mean.

         "Who was on the phone?" he asks as we pull out of the parking lot.

          "The  repairman  who  takes  care  of  the  cabin  where  I  stayed  in  Feath-

ered Nest," I tell him.

         "From Feathered nest?" Sam  asks, sounding  both  surprised  and  wary.

"Why was he calling you?"

         "He was doing some cleaning  and  maintenance  around  the  cabin  and

found  something  under  the  porch.  I  must  have  dropped  it  while  I   was

there," I say.


      His tone makes me look at him incredulously.

       "And? And he's going to mail it to me. Why do you ask it like that?"

         "I  can't   imagine   that's   a    place   you    want     to     think      much      about      any

more. Like  you  said,  it  was  really   hard   on   you.  I    just    don't    like    the    idea    of

you still being connected to it."

      "You   don't   like    the    idea?   Why?   Because    of     what     my     therapist     said?

Because of the trauma? Or because of Jake?"

      I  know   Sam  well   enough   to   know   as   soon   as    he    found    out    about    my

involvement   in    the   case,   he    would    research     to     find    out     everything     he

could   about    it.   Which   means   he    was    bound    to    stumble    on    the     articles

that  lean     heavily    into    the     suggestion    about    my    relationship     with     Jake.

They  didn't   name   me   or     come    right    out    and    say    there    was    something

going   on   between    us,   but    there     was    enough    subtext    and     clever     word

choices  to  make  sure  readers  caught  on  to  exactly  what  they  meant.

      His  hands  tightened   on   the   steering   wheel,   but   he   keeps   staring   straight


    "I just  done  think  it's   a   good    idea    to    keep    yourself    attached    to    some-

thing like that. it's not good to be so personal with your cases."

      My jaw  tightens,  and  my  throat   aches,   but   I    try    to    refuse   to    acknowl-

edge either of  them.  I'd  rather   focus   on    him   lecturing    me    and     trying    to

sound like  he  understands  what  any  of   this   is   like    for    me.   The    types    of

cases we've  dealt  with  and  how   we've   had   to   deal    with    them    have    been

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