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Out of nowhere you saw
your enemy jump in and
when he gets to you, he
grabs your waist and pulls
you out.

"Are you okay?" He says
looking into your eyes.

"I- i think so."

"Let's get you a towel." he
says carrying you in bridal

When he brought you to a
room, he sat you on a
counter and got two towels.

He took the first towel and
wrapped it around you and
the other one for your hair.

When he saw that you were
still cold he took you to the
saloon and told you to sit
next to the fireplace.

"Better?" He asks while
caressing your left arm.

"I apologize for my little
sister" He adds.

'It's-' You started before
you got interrupted by your boyfriend.

Y/n imagine scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now