Teachers Pet- fluff

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A/N: in this one-shot both teacher and student are of legal age but there is a bit of an age gap (2 years). Tom is the Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA) teacher. If you don't like this type of content please skip and don't read. You can read the name Aurora as Y/N if you'd prefer its just easier for me to. Tom Riddle never turned into Voldemort btw
Trigger warning: mental health
Aurora POV:

I wake up halfway through the first lesson of the day DADA, I do have an excuse though I was up late last night doing homework which was due today because my dumbass decided to leave it to the last minute.

I quickly get up and throw my uniform on brushing my hair and quickly brushing my teeth and putting my shoes on, grabbing my bag, and quickly running down to DADA. I sneak in quietly and the only seat available is the seat right in front of Professor Riddle's desk, I sit down at the desk, quietly getting all my stuff out and looking at him sat right in front of me. I quietly get his attention, "professor riddle?"

I seem to make him jump and he looks up at me, "you're extremely late, detention tonight after dinner. Also stay after class I want to talk to you."  I nod at him and reply quietly, "yes sir, I'm sorry, what are we working on?"  He takes a glance over my face and tells me that we are working on the unforgivable curses on page 69.

He looks up at me and then goes back to grading the exams on his desk. I flip to page 69 and make notes on the curses. At the end of the lesson I'm packing up my stuff really slowly. I stay behind after everyone else has left, he comes over and puts a bit of hair behind my ear, looking down at me with a concerned expression, "you're never normally late to my lessons doll, why were you late today?" His voice is filled with concern and I smile at his concern for me, "I'm sorry sir I was just up late last night and accidentally slept through my alarm this morning."

My explanation seems to concern him even more because he questions more urgently, "why were you up till late last night?" I sigh and reply, "I was finishing up the homework for your lesson which was due today."

He visibly relaxes after I tell him that and he says, "doll you need to take care of yourself okay?" I smile at him and nod, "I know Tommy, I'm sorry." He gently places a soft kiss on my forehead, "it's okay, just make sure your taking care of yourself. Now go to your next lesson I'll see you later for your detention."

I kiss his cheek quickly and go to my next lesson

*time skip- detention*

I walk into the DADA classroom for my detention and see that toms already got someone in the classroom. I sit down at one of the desks waiting for them to finish talking about his homework he set their class. I get my homework out that I need to complete and start working on it.

After 5 minutes the girl leaves but I keep working on my potions homework. He doesn't disturb me but I keep getting confused on one question and start to get frustrated. I groans when I get it wrong again and scrunch up my parchment throwing it somewhere in the room. This obviously catches toms attention because he comes over to the desk I'm sat on, gently hooking his finger under my chin and lifting my face up to make eye contact with him, this action always has me weak, "what's wrong sweetheart?"

I know that he was the prodigy student when he was a student at Hogwarts and I just sort of feel like a failure to him because I'm not as good academically. This thought process has most likely come from my parents because they believe that good grades are the best thing. I feel almost ashamed and scared to tell him and ask him for help but I know that he won't be to mad at me for it, "it's nothing really, I just keep getting stuck on the same question on my potions homework. I've been struggling in potions recently, in fact, in all of my subjects I've been struggling I just can't seem to understand my lessons."

He looks at me before pulling a chair over and sifting down next to me. He quietly says, "not all of your subjects you're struggling in, you're doing brilliantly in Defence Against the Dark Arts. You're top of my class. Although that may be because you're a massive teachers pet for me." He has a sly smirk on his face at his last statement.

I softly explain that DADA is the only subject which I'm not failing, he looks at me and softly rubs my thigh under the table before going to his desk and bringing me with him with my work. He sits down at his desk and pulls me into his lap gently. "Come on let me help you with your potions work sweetheart."

He starts helping me with my homework but I still don't get it, I groan again and put my head down my the desk giving up. However, Tom tries to encourage me to keep going, "sweetheart come on it's okay. You're getting the hang of it."

Thing is I don't feel like I'm getting the hang of it, "I'm not, I'm struggling and I'm going to fail." I start tearing up through stress and anxiety of failing.

He looks at me and runs my back gently, gently playing with my hair and kissing my head. "Sweetheart breathe okay, I've got you."

He slowly walks through my work with me and helps me finally understand it, helping keep me calm. Once it's finally done, he praises me, "you got it love, well done I'm so proud of you."

I smile at his words, thanking him, "thank you so much, I owe you." He looks at me after I've said that and shakes his head, "no sweetheart you don't owe me anything."

I look up at him, "but you helped me?" He looks down at me and smiles, "sweetheart your my girl I can't have you struggling can I?" I blush and smile at his words before laying back on his chest and cuddling into him*

He plants kisses on the top of my head. "Sweetheart, next time you need help come and ask me okay?" I nod at him.

We spend the rest of my detention cuddling, with him marking papers and playing with my hair, whispering sweet affirmations in my ear and planting kisses on the top of my head till I slowly fall asleep on his chest.

Tom POV:

I look down at Aurora and smile when I see her asleep on my chest, I gently tuck her into my bed making sure she's comfortable while I finish marking papers. After 10 minutes I finally finish and go to my room, changing into a pair of boxers and no top, slipping into bed with my arms wrapped around her waist, cuddling her into my chest gently and kiss her head. She smiles in her sleep and snuggles into my chest, sighing happily. I kiss her head one last time, "goodnight sweetheart I love you."

I fall asleep holding her to my chest gently.

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