Part 6. the big brother

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'Gez people need to calm down' I'm currently invisible, hiding from the many groups of pirates

As I walk, I get hit in the head with a newspaper

I rub my head "rude" I mumbled

I pick it up, the front page talked about a famous pirate being captured, and he was going to be executed

I feel this man is important somehow, important to someone I know

I decide to roll up the paper and bring it with me, I sigh 'oh well, I can figure it out later'

I feel tired so I go walk around searching for a place to nap, that's when I spot one of the big trees, it has a branch somewhat close to the ground, about 28 feet up

I decided it would be an ok spot, after scanning the nearby area to make sure nobody would bother me, I jumped up and went to sleep for a bit

"...yeah.....she's gorgeous......high price.....grab her" I heard mumbling down below, but didn't think much of it

When I woke up I was in a cell "oh this is interesting" I say completely calm

"Your gonna be a slave but your being calm?" A man next to me says

"Oh no, I'm mad, it's almost ironic actually" I say looking over to the man

He seems like your regular old side character, plain hair, plain face

"Right, well you certainly don't look like it" he says

Before I can reply a man walks up to the cell door "alright, get off your asses, we don't have all night" the man said boredly

We all got up, he ordered us to be in a single file line, I was somewhere in the middle of about 30 people

"Not you, back in the cell" he told me

I shrugged "alright" I walked back in

I stretched, let out a small yawn

When the man took the other people away, I ripped off the thing around my neck, and anything else they had to keep me here

I pulled the bars apart and walked to the stage

A very flamboyant man stood there talking about some girls he had next to him

I walked on stage "excuse me ladys" I walked past the girls

I took his mic. I tapped to the mic first "hello ladies and gentlemen, the auction is over, you will not be getting any of your money back and you won't be getting any slaves, goodbye" I punched the man in the face, successfully knocking him out

"Alright ladys, time to be set free" I snapped my fingers, they're restraints disappeared

I yawn "man I'm tired" I stretched my arms

I let myself fall backwards, appearing in my palace, where I fall on to my bed

"Moxie! Could you come here please" I yell knowing she is far away

"Yes your majesty? How many I help?" A pale woman asks

"Could you please go to the library and do a search for this person, I feel like I know him somehow" I hold up the news paper, showing her the picture

"Of course, I'll be back in five minutes" she grabbed the news paper and turned into smoke

I close my eyes "thanks moxie" I said quietly

And true to her word she appeared in my room again with a small note pad, and the newspaper

"What would you like to know, I have everything" she said

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