Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

*Flash back*

Full of innocence at the age of eight but somehow I knew. Love is not a game, it knows no time limit. It can take someone up until their death bed to realize their passion and love for someone. Or it can happen I a single spontaneous moment. Time shouldn't be a factor on how and when you do things, especially something as powerful as love.

I grasped onto my mother's hand as our families were introduced to one another at the annual block party. All the neighbors gathered around with genuine smiles and laughter. It was windy, my hair blowing in the light breeze. And he stood there handsome, a smirk on his face even at this age.

"Blaize I want I want you to meet Felix," My mother introduced me and I couldn't help but blush. I wasn't supposed to like boys, they were gross. But then why did my face feel so flush?

"Felix this is Blaize. Well go on say his," His mother nudged him forward. I hadn't realized I'd be repeating his name for the rest of my life.

I remember there was a time, early pre-teen years, everything was simple. Bliss didn't even exist yet. Felix and I would walk to the close by pond to skip rocks, swim, and enjoy the small things most kids had no interest in. I sat close to him our feet dangling in the water. Each time his skin brushed against mine I felt something indescribable and I knew he did too. I also knew we would begin dating soon. That's what happens when you become a teenager. I felt slight disappointment because it would never be me. Then her interlocked fingers with mine for the first time and I didn't' care so much. I just wanted to live in the moment.

I remember early teenage years feeling jealousy at the mention of Felix's girlfriends or current lovers. I of course started dating as well, but it never occurred to me that he might have felt the same jealousy that I did. Bliss began to be distributed.

I remember when our worlds came toppling down at the exact same moment. Hearing the news of our father's deaths. I just ran and ran never stopping. Never thinking twice about where I was going. I just ran. I hadn't the slightest idea where I was nor did I care. I sat in the meadow crying. At some point Felix had found his way to me and held my body close to his. I clung to him crying into his chest. He never once shed a tear, but I knew he was hurting on the inside.

I felt Felix's jaw tighten against my head. "Were going to fucking get them. I don't care what it takes," Was all Felix said as he looked straight almost emotionless. This was the point in time where life grew complicated and full of dark secrets.

I remember a few months after I couldn't hide anything anymore .My feelings were gnawing at my inside slowly killing me. Felix and I went for a long stroll towards the lake, the last time we saw it with it's astounding beauty. I told him everything. He didn't turn my love for him down. He didn't accept my love either. He responded with a warm soft kiss. Our first kiss. Though the sparks were there, he told me we couldn't be together. I was bewildered, but accepted what he had to say.

I remember the moment he came home to his mother's lifeless body. He lost more than he had that day. The government had taken control and state their position. All the laws were set in motion.

"They're going to pay. They'll fucking regret what they did," Felix spoke in soft anger. He was never the same after that.

I Remember the first time I found out about he and Exie. I figured she was just another one of his phases and that she'd be gone in a month. However, I was wrong. The closer they got the more distant Felix and I became. The one day he just stopped communicating with me. I tried and he would just push. After a few weeks of ignoring me he apologized the only way he knew how a kiss. At the time I felt so foolish to take a simple kiss as an apology. He couldn't express emotions, he bottled everything up, built a wall. One I so desperately wanted to tear down.

I remember when the wall broke.

I remember.

*End of flash back *

I loved Felix and as I sat in the black chair a realization struck me like lighting. The thought of never kissing those luscious lips, looking into those stunning copper eyes, hearing his soothing voice or feeling his soft touched, killed me beyond belief. That was the greatest physical and emotional torture I had ever encountered. Tears formed in my eye, not because death stood close by, but because of Felix. The love of my life who I'd never see again.

Timeless and Bliss #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now