Our first meet

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                    ☆Our first meet☆
POV Misheelle

     It's the day for my new class. My old   class was full of bullies, they would often use me for homework, test. I heard some of my "friends" will be joining as well.
   When my dad find about I will be joining normal class he got really mad at me. So yeah I was already in the bad mood. I was shy girl when it's first-time. But in reality I'm not shy girl.
    When I first entered my classroom everything was worse. The kids, teachers what the actual fuck. Luckily my class's teacher (English is not my first language in my country teachers has their own class and would teach them one or two lessons) wasn't that bad.

    My classroom was 2 divided. First one is my class that starts at 1.30 pm. Second one would start at 8.00 am. And I didn't gaf about second class.

    A few weeks later our teacher announced the classes will become one. And class will be start at 1.30 pm. At first I didn't care until one of my friends told me someone from second class is dating our friend.

    Next day I dressed up and go to school obviously. When I sat up on my desk I spotted a boy he looked like monkey. That made me giggle. During history class our teacher made us have a seat mate. Girls paired with boys. I sat next to a boy let's call him Max. He is really funny tall. I liked him, he got annoying.
    During our lesson that is very important and you can call it foreign language. I didn't understand one word my teacher noticed and monkey looking boy helped me. I guess he is smart.

    One night when I was about to sleep a chat? I was confused who would that be? And it was from a boy that looked like monkey. I was confused but chatted with him anyways. I will call him Sam. He seemed funny he was seatmate with my friend. I asked how did he get my facebook, my friend gave him my facebook. I started to tease him I wasn't shy because it was on phone.

    We became friends. A really good one he didn't used me for homework unlike my old classmate. I started to like this classmate. I got a little bit extrovert. He and I helped each other. I was really bad at English but I learned it from him.

     He told me his crush and I told him my crush who is in other class and my old classmate I liked him for five years.

    We fight, argue, shared sad and happy memories, we were very close friends. Our classmates would shop us but he liked another girl and I liked another boy. We teased each other so much. Mostly I would chase him and he would run. But sometime he would chase me. He was good friend. He comforted me when I got rejected by my crush. I wasn't that sad is that because I catched feelings for him but I didn't realized. Even I realized I will not gonna tell him because it will ruin our friendship.

     It was spring my least favourite season. My teacher announced that we will gonna go on vacation. I didn't really liked vacations because of my old classmate but it's my new classmate. They are better right yeah I will go. I was pretty excited.

     You know everything starts with happiness, And ends with sadness

     My first story. If it's short I'm sorry

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