I Love You

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Hi again! You'll see... finals are coming! Yeah... finals... During the whole week I've hardly had any time to read or write, everything in my mind are projects and study guids, but I still managed to write this down so I could relax myself a little.

You see, this popped right after I finished reading The Mark of Athena, I had managed to spoil myself the part in which (Oh! By the way! The Mark of Athena spoilers from now on!) Percabeth is thrown into Tartarus, so that wasn't much of a surprise, but during the whole book I was dying to know what had happened to Nico! I was worried to death (no pun intended)!

So, when I started reading The House of Hades and realized that this idea could be canon I decided to write it down.

I really don't know how dis turned out, so I would really appreciate it if you told me your opinion!

Thanks for reading anyways!

I Love You

Percy and Annabeth had just fallen into Tartarus.

The remaining demigods in the Argo II had hurried to get into the ship, wanting to get away of that cursed place as fast as possible.

But now, the Tartarus and Rome were already some miles away, and all the seven of them could do was helplessly stare at each other.

Hazel was in the verge of tears, and she was aware that the same could be said for Piper and Frank.

Leo continued to endlessly talk about something, but she was certain not even him knew what he was saying, trying to direct the group's attention to something other than their missing friends. Jason had a confused look fixed in his features, as if he was unsure about what he was expected to do.

Even coach Hedge was acting awkwardly, stopping himself not from yelling, but from speaking all together.

And as for Nico... her brother seemed shaken by the loss of the two heroes, but the son of Hades had also some problems of his very own.

She shuddered slightly. Nico's skin had always been pale, so pale the first time she'd seen him she had wondered if it was true that they were relatives, but right now, the boy looked paler than usual, a color almost greenish in his features, his eyes sunken, and his movements so slow it seemed he didn't even have the energy to talk in a normal tone of voice or move around, which, she realized, was nothing but the truth. He urgently nedeed to eat something and sleep, preferably, in that order.

She distantly decided she could do nothing about the two demigods that had fallen into Tartarus, but she could certainly do something about her brother's needs. First things first, Hazel thought bitterly, while she wished the thought of her lost friends aside.

She awkwardly cleared her throat, driving everyone's attention to her, especially Nico's, who turned to look at her slowly, his sunken eyes completely emotionless.

"I–" she started quietly. "I think you should sleep. And eat something" she whispered, feeling her heart fill with heaviness just as the other demigods placed their eyes filled with sorrow in her. "C'mon, you can use my room" she added.

The others nodded distantly, as if they agreed, but chances were the only thing they were all certain about was that no-one was getting a proper rest until they knew the conditions in which their friends were.

Nico started to argue something, but his voice was so faint that she could hardly make out the words. She simply dismissed him by denying with her head.

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