The Other Girls

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          I closed our room door behind me. The hallway way darker than before. I wonder why there weren't enough windows in a large building like this. I mean what were the architects thinking? Or what was the owner thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if it was what the Nuns wanted after all, they all were very weird. I say these things like I wouldn't be one of them in a month.

     Grace kept walking like she knew where she was going. I didn't know where we were going so I didn't say anything. I just followed. We had passed a few corridors before we heard sounds of laughter coming from a door.
    I hate this passage ways . It was dark and so were the doors. Who knew how many doors we must have passed. The occasional windows weren't much of a help because it was almost dark.

       We traced the laughter to the door we had just passed seconds ago. I didn't know if Grace was planning on barging into the room. I mean wouldn't it be very awkward to do so? I hate awkward moments more than snubs. I wasn't shy but I wasn't that bold, at least not as bold as Grace.
        Grace knocked and gave a few seconds before she opened the door. I wouldn't want to be that girl that backs out at the last minute and leaves her friend out of fear and uncertainty. I followed closely behind Grace as she entered the room.
        As we entered the room, the laughter turned into silence. Grace looked like she was used to awkward moments. I closed the door behind me and turned to see a lot of eyes on me. I  quickly squeezed myself behind Grace although, I was a bit taller and held my head low.

   " Hey. I'm Grace Blackwood and this is Madeline Matters. We were wondering if we could stay here till dinner?".  Grace asked politely.

        The girls were shocked at her bravery. I'm sure they were wondering where she got such confidence and bravery from. I couldn't look at their faces but by the silence I could tell. They were probably contemplating on what to say or who will decide.

  " Uhmm... I don't.....think that would be poss...ible". A voice amongst the girls said.

       Oh my, this was a very humiliating idea. I couldn't believe I went ahead with this. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I knew no room would allow girls from other rooms to come stay with them even if it were for a while. It seemed too early for that.
   " That's okay. We'll take our leave".  Grace said without embarrassment on her tone. I wonder how she wasn't affected by such disappointment. We were about to take our leave when the voice of earlier stopped us.

  " Wait! You can stay till dinner. I'm sorry. Please".  Said the voice apologetically.
     I was very relieved to hear that. Grace on the other hand had a smirk on her face. It was like she had already thought it through.

  " Thank you. We promise not to overstay our welcome".  Grace promised.

   I followed Grace like a dummy not because I was shy but because, I was lost. I finally lifted my head to see the girls of this room. It was quite surprising that one of the girls wasn't wearing her veil. She was the first sister I saw without a veil on.
      They were five just like us. The girl without the veil had red hair. It didn't look like it was dyed, it looked real. Her skin was a bit pale. She had a line of freckles across her nose and her eyes were a faded blue colour.
    The red hair girl hugged Grace and I with a welcoming smile. From her voice I could tell she was the one who apologized.

   " My name's Ann Freight".  The girl with the red hair spoke.

  "  I'm Winifred Dominick". The girl next to Anna said. She was tall and a bit fat. Her eyes were black. Everyone in this room had black pupils except Ann. In our room, Priya and Grace had black pupils. Mary's was a yellowish shade of brown, mine is a piercing green and my girl from earlier a sharp blue. Her blue eyes were more shaper than Ann's which werw dull.

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