Keira's Horse

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One day she cut her hair off.

Their eyes throbbed upon its brown muscular body,

the scissors were red photos ribs' x-rays turn sepia blue

when newspapers report:

their kids chew bubble gums or stub out cigarettes for a horseshoe

turning a soft paw cool and cooled with time, yes,

with time its water bucket back-turns in the stable breaks a vase

to bouquet empty hands for its almost funeral.

They all seem wind-washed and rain-stirring the psalm

notes their dewy sound

fastens  in corals on the sea bottom: her hair.

It floats on the surface, all of it.

Cowboys & celebrities don't get it,

but she willingly parted with it

since nobody taught her

how to part with his mane.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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