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In a garden kissed by golden sun,
Where blooms dance and colors run,
A tapestry of petals, soft and bright,
Whisper tales of love's pure delight.

Roses, crimson as a lover's blush,
Their fragrance, a sigh with each hush,
Their thorns guard secrets, bittersweet,
Love's trials endured, hearts complete.

Daisies, like love's innocent embrace,
With faces turned towards heaven's grace,
Each petal, a promise of devotion,
A love that's bound, a heartfelt notion.

Lilies, elegant in their pure attire,
Symbolize a love that won't expire,
Their grace and beauty, a gentle power,
Love's fragrance blooming, hour by hour.

Tulips, vibrant in a rainbow hue,
Whisper love's language, strong and true,
With petals reaching, longing to entwine,
Two souls united, a love divine.

And in this garden, love takes flight,
Amidst the blossoms, pure and bright,
For flowers know the secrets of love's art,
They bloom and flourish, forever in our hearts.

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