Shared dorm T.R

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I shared a room with non other then Tom riddle, son of the dark lord; otherwise known as he he must not be named. It was our seventh year, Voldemort had taken over the school. In turn sent both his sons to Hogwarts under snapes rule.

Me as a quite girl got put with Tom, after he got to annoyed with his last room mates. At first he was horrified to share with a _hufflepuff_, but we've  gotten closer. As he realised I was quite a lot like him, quite and I kept to myself and liked to focus on my studies.

He was out tonight, a meeting with his dad I believe. He didn't talk a lot about his dad, but I didn't either. So it was all okay. Me and my family weren't really close, I only ever went back in the summer holidays. So I was one of the few students left around times like now, the Christmas holidays.

I wandered our shared dorm, you'll be relieved to know we have separated rooms. I was wearing blue trousers with Christmas presents on it, down to my ankles to cover my navy fluffy socks. Paired with a navy blue sports bra, only something I wore while alone.

A toothbrush if all but forgotten about, hanging out my mouth as I try find my homework; it wasn't due for a while but I wanted to get it all done before Christmas. Making a sound of annoyance as I remembered I was brushing my teeth.

I move through to the bathroom, the black eye bags I had standing out against my pale skin. I was paler then usual, I hadn't eaten all day. I was all over the place without my usual schedule and had no perception of time.

I look down spitting in the sink, before rinsing my toothbrush. Probably for the third time that night, Tom was probably the only thing that kept me organised. So without him I was nothing but a hot mess. Cold hands pressed to my sides gently, a nose brushing my neck. Speak of the devil.

He pulled my body into his, his arms wrapping round my waist. His head buried in my neck as loose strands of wavy hair coming down to brush my collar bone. My cheeks flushed, my heart pounding as my stomach flipped.

I leaned gently into him as I mumbled "what's the special occasion?" My voice meek as my body reacted to his touch, goosebumps raising all over my body. Tom wasn't very physical ever. "Just missed you." He muttered, his hot breath hitting my neck as I rub his head gently.

I slip round in his grip, burying my face in his chest my arms slipping under his. A thumb moving up and down to stroke his back. Humming slightly, a bad habit id picked up god knows when. I pull back slightly looking up at him.

My lips parting gently as I whisper "I missed you too Tom.." we both knew I would, like I said; a hot mess without him. He smiled rubbing off a flick of ink of my face, with his thumb gently. I smile up at him, our eyes meeting.

I stare up at his face, sadness twanging inside me as I see his tainted skin. Bringing a hand up to brush over his bruised cheek as I mutter "Tom.." my hand resting perfectly against his icy skin. He was taller then me, by quite a lot.

It had never really effected me until now. His hands moving up and down my hips, trying to find warmth.  Both my hands cradle his face gently as my warm eyes stare up at him, my lips pursed In worry. My thumb brushing over a newly forming scab, dried blood surrounding it.

He stayed quite as my eyes flick over his face, then his knuckles. They too had matted blood on, "what happened?" My voice a mere whisper, worry blocking my throat. He just clenched his jaw as he scowled, I didn't care what happened. He was hurt.

I turn round, grabbing a cloth from the side of the sink. I wash it quickly with water, squeezing as much out as possible. My hand gripped his finders softly, dabbing the cloth softly against it. My eyes flicking up to look at toms, checking I wasn't hurting him. Icy eyes watch me carefully, no pain present. 

I clean the blood from his hands revealing only a few knuckles had sticky whiteness over. He wasn't bleeding, I breathed out a sigh of relief. My lungs almost felt stiff from holding it in. I place his hand back on my hip, taking the over in my hand.

This hand was the same, only slight cuts on each. I was so glad he wasn't hurt, but yet also worried at who was. "Tom?" I whisper softly, holding the now redish flannel in my hand. His hands tightened in my hips as he pressed me against the counter in the bathroom.

I hadn't even realised we had moved back, he growled under his breath. Turning his face away from me, to look at the patterned window. "It doesn't matter to you." His voice rough and irritated. "Tom.. please can you lean down." I whisper keeping my patience.

"I'm not going to ask about it if you don't want me to.." my voice just above a whisper as his jaw unclenched, his eyes returning to mine. His hands gripped my hips, lifted me up onto the counter. Fitting his body between my thighs, his hands resting on my thighs. "But.. are you okay?" I mutter softly, still worried.

He let out a huff not answering, my eyes scanned him. Other then the bruise and cut on his face and knuckles there was only a bit of blood on his top. My damp cloth brushed over his eyebrow, wiping away the dried blood with ease. Only a small cut reviled.

I sigh throwing the cloth in the sink, resting my head into his chest. His hands rub my back gently his head resting on mine as we stay there in silence. I didn't expect a thank you from Tom, I never did. It was just how he was. Our bodies where pressed together slightly.

His leaned back, my head moving to look up at him. Before his lips pressed to mine, my breath caught in my throat. My eyes fluttering closed as i hum slightly, my hands pressing to his jaw. His hands grip me tightly as he holds me to him.

"It's late.." I whisper against his lips, as he pulls back. My lips trailing after him, before my eyes flick open to look up at him. He was smirking his hands rubbing up and down my thighs.  Before he gently pulled me off the sink, renewing the large hight difference.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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