The fair

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"Wait so Josie's practically dating this girl Isabel..but Isabel doesn't know Josie..and thinks she's ugly and wh-
PJ sucks in her cheeks and brushes her bronzer on.
She turns to me and frowns in disappointment.
"She doesn't actually think that, that's just a rumour, or like, a thing people occasionally mention in a conversation when we come up-
She stands up off her chair and raises her hands.
"Whatever! Okay! This is our year. This is my year"
My cousin smiles and checks herself out in the mirror and then turns to the door as it flies open.
"I'm here"
Josie announces.

-at the fair-

"Ooh cotton candy"
I walk over to the stand excitedly.
"No, we don't have time for this"
PJ pulls me away by my arm and we go deeper into the fair. She's ranting about going to college a virgin and being a loser...
"Hey guys"
We all turn, interrupted by a girls voice.
I look between my cousin and the dark haired girl, sensing familiarity.
"Hi Hazel..
Im watching the conversation intently when PJ gestures to me and Hazel smiles faintly.
"This is my cousin, she transferred to our school for senior year..
She lowers her voice to a whisper and leans into Hazel.
"Family issues"
And side eyes me. I roll my eyes and smile a line at Hazel.
She looks down awkwardly and peels off a piece of her cotton candy.
The silence is interrupted by PJ
"Oh fuck! Hazel give me that"
She snatches Hazels cotton candy and turns to two girls approaching. Both Josie and PJ seem
On edge and PJ nudges me behind her, knocking me into Hazel.
I laugh lightly and rub my elbow.
A conversation with the other two girls in-sews.
"Don't worry about it"
Hazel rocks back and fourth on her feet.
We both start and then laugh awkwardly.
"You- you speak"
I mutter. Hazels stare is intense and I look down at my feet for a second and then back up to meet her gaze.
"So, what do you think so far?"
I'm stumped.
"Of the town I mean-like"
She clears her throat.
"Like here"
I smile.
"It's fine. Got nothing on San Francisco though"
"Oh wow, quite the downgrade"
She smiles and tucks hair behind her ears.
"So are you staying here alone or?"
"Yeah, um it's just me, I'm staying at PJs"
"Nice, nice"
She nods her head.
"I like your hair"
I blurt out and I can feel myself go red.
"Thanks, I like your outfit"
I'm quite the conversationalist apparently.
"Did PJ and Josie really go to juvie?"
She stares at me intently. She's really serious about this apparently.
"I'm not sure"
I say slowly. She nods and a thought seems to wave over her.
"There's just no way. I mean, I saw this documentary about a girl who went to juvie and when she came back she had a buzz cut and fake hair, like tattooed on, all curly and shit. Yup, like-
She gestures to her head.
I widen my eyes intently. She nods.
"Yeah, I know. I was like, what! There's no way"
"But there was a way"
"I guess so"
"Oh, I'm Hazel by the way"
She takes my hand and hers is warm and soft.
(Noticed in the least creepy way possible)
"yeah, PJ mentioned it"
She laughs.
She doesn't let go of my hand. And I don't let go of hers.
"Okay do you guys want any of our tickets!"
PJ interrupts, abruptly yanking the tickets from Hazels other hand and knocking mine out of hers.
The other girls storm off quickly, as if fleeing the scene.
"For fuck sake"
PJ curses and they both turn to us.
"We're leaving"

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