Part 1

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Before long, Mattes and Melanie were on their fifth call for the day. A woman had gotten beat up by a man, not far from one of the most famous queer clubs.

Since they were already driving around, Melanie and Mattes arrived before the paramedics did.
The woman seemed scared of Mattes, so Melanie handled talking to her while Mattes went back to the car to talk to dispatch.

"Hi. My Name is Hansen, Police. Paramedics will be here soon. What's your name ?" She asked in the most comforting way she could. This poor woman has just gotten beaten up after all.

"Lilly. Willis, " she answered with a short break in between.

She was conscious and had no issues breathing but was clearly in pain, as far as Melanie could tell. Just as she was asking her next question, the paramedics came up behind her.

"Okay. That's good. Could you tell me what happened and show me your id? " Melanie asked with a reassuring smile.

The immediate change in expression made Melanie suspicious. However, the woman handed over her id as the paramedics were working on her. She couldn't say anything, but Melanie was certain she wanted to.

As she looked at the id, she knew why. At first, she thought it was stolen as there was mans name on it, but then it clicked. She looked over at Lilly again just as she was being loaded into the ambulance. Lilly just looked at her with confusion.

"Here," Melanie handed the id back at the last second, " we'll see you at the hospital to ask you some questions."

About half an hour later, they arrived at the hospital, hoping to get to speak with the victim. Just as they asked the registry, a well-known face appeared beside them.

"Dr. Aneza, could you please take them to mrs. Willis, " the receptionist asked.

Melanie saw Mattes look out of the corner of her eye but chose to ignore him for the time being.

"Melanie" Dr. Aneza said, surprised but clearly haopy

"Helen!" was all Melanie could answer while Mattes stood beside her smirking, having the time of his life seeing these two meet again.

"Hi..." Helen then smiled before continuing."I'll take you to Mrs. Willis. Come on, "

As she led the way, Melanie's head was spinning. It's been 10 years since they saw each other, and they never really talked things through. Having Mattes beside her really didn't help right now.

When they arrived at the room, Mattes took the initiative and went in to ask the victim about what happened. That way, Melanie and Helen could have a few minutes to talk.

"It's been a while..." Melanie tried to start a conversation but made it painfully obvious she had no idea what to say.

"10 years" Helen's answer was relatively sharp.

"Yeah..." Melanie sighed. She knew she fucked up back then. She didn't realize how much she'd hurt Helen by ghosting her the way she did.

"I'm sorry for not calling... or texting. I...." she tried to explain but didn't know how.

"It's okay. How about I give you my new number and we will hang out soon... I'd like to have you back as a friend. " Helen's speech was now much softer, the sharpness in her voice gone.

"Sure. Here, " Melanie handed over her phone without further questions.

Helen had just managed to type in her number when her pager beeped.

"Sorry... I've gotta go. But it was good to see you again. " she smiled at her ex-girlfriend.

With that she was off to some other patient and Melanie made her way into the victims room to join Mattes.

"Hey, Hansen. We talked before." She introduced herself once again.

As they were asking her about what happened, it became very clear that it was a hate crime. Some idiot saw her leaving the queer bar, heard her deep voice and followed her until there were no people around. Thankfully her injuries weren't too severe and she'd only have to stay overnight.

On the way back to the station, Mattes of course had to question Melanie like she was a criminal.

"Care to tell me something? Your girlfriend is back in town? Already got a date?" He asked with a grin.

Melanie got frustrated. She hadn't dealt with her feelings back then and now she was right back to how the chaos all started. Maybe Helen will leave soon and she won't have to worry about any of it.

"Jesus christ no" she spat back.

"I just asked a few questions..." Mattes huffed.

After that, the rest of their walk was silent.

At the end of their shift, the others were already out the door or in the locker room when Melanie finally finished her last report and headed to the locker room as well.
When she got there, Cat was pulling out her jacket and putting it on. Melanie went to her locker and before even opening, noticed the magnets Cat had put on. One "Berlin" one and a rainbow flag. That gone put a smile on Melanie's face. Looks like she'd at least have someone sane to talk to at work.

"You from Berlin?" She asked as Cat was getting out her bag.

"Yeah. I miss it sometimes. But Hamburg is nice too and I finally get to live with my girlfriend. Long distance is a pain." She laughed.

"Yeah, I can imagine" Melanie smiled as she was now taking her shoes off.

"It was nice to meet everybody today. I guess we'll do the beer sometime soon. I'll see you tomorrow " with that, Cat was out the door as well and left Melanie alone with her thoughts.

She got dressed and headed out quickly, as the colleagues for the nightshift were now coming in as well. But she didn't go far. She sat by the river, just outside the police station for a while trying to sort her thoughts. It's been 10 years and they only kissed once but her feelings were all over the place again.
After half an hour, she finally texted Helen.

Mel: Hi. Melanie here :)

Helen: Hi Melanie 😉

That was enough to make her blush. God she really needed to talk this through with someone.

Feelings don't dieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant