First Day Of School

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it was a new day of Monster Elementary, no kid really liked school, except Draculaura. no kid was looking forward to it, especially Clawdeen. Draculaura and Clawdeen were in the first grade, and she was scared, she loved staying at home with her big sister, she was used to it, but now she had to go to a school with other kids. at first she loved the idea of school, she could meet new friends and have fun, but then again, what if she gets bullied? what if the teacher doesn't like her? these thoughts swirled in her head on the vamp-jet heading toward the school, Draculaura noticed how tense she was and put a hand on her shoulder

Draculaura: you okay sis?

Clawdeen: yeah, j-just a little scared...

Draculaura: aww, it's going to be okay, you'll be fine. well I mean kids could shove you into lockers, your small enough

Clawdeen looked terrified

Clawdeen: W-What?! N-No! They Can't!

Draculaura chuckled as she gave Clawdeen a hug

Draculaura: Aww, I'm only kidding little sis, I won't let them touch you, just stick by me

before she could respond, the jet landed Dracula handed them their lunches and they stood in front of the school, the school was smaller then Monster high but it was still pretty big, so many kids were everywhere, they were so much bigger then her, she felt like a mouse compared to them

Draculaura: come on sis, we need to head to our dorm

Clawdeen began to shake as she watched the jet leave, she slowly walked up to Draculaura, who hadn't noticed her shaking as she was looking to see who they had for their teacher

Draculaura: Mrs Claw is our teacher, she should be the first class on the left

Draculaura finally noticed her little sister and knelt in front of her

Draculaura: are you okay sister?

Clawdeen hugged Draculaura tightly, tears streaming down her face

Clawdeen: I Don't Want To Do This Anymore! I Want To Go Home!

Draculaura hugged her back and stroked her back

Draculaura: oh Deen... It's all okay, it's fine. I promise you'll have a great time here, I was only kidding no one would shove you in a locker, I'll be with you the whole night, no one will mess with you. you know I will protect you. plus, we're roomies! I might not share a room with you at home anymore, at least we can be roomies at school

Clawdeen: p-promise?

Draculaura kissed her head

Draculaura: I promise

Draculaura let go of the hug and held Clawdeen's paw, she noticed she was still tensed

Draculaura: you don't have to be scared, remember you will see Cleo, Deuce and Heath. they will also protect you, and I'm sure you will meet new friends. but I need you to be brave, can you be brave for me?

Clawdeen sniffled and gave a weak smile

Clawdeen: yeah.. I can!

Draculaura: great, I know you will make me proud, and don't worry you will have a great time

Clawdeen wiped her tears away, Draculaura smiled warmly and ruffled her brown curly hair causing the hybrid to chuckle

Draculaura: you know, this is my first year here to

Clawdeen: really?

Draculaura nodded

Draculaura: daddy actually home-schooled me for pre-school and kindergarten, like you. so can you protect me to?

Clawdeen: yeah!

Draculaura: thank you, I knew I could count on you. ready?

she held out her hand, Clawdeen nodded and took it and walked inside


after the sisters found their lockers and the creeperteria and their dorm rooms they went into their classroom. Clawdeen was hiding behind Draculaura

Draculaura: Mrs Claw, right?

Mrs  Claw: yes, hello you two, don't be afraid I might be a vampire but I won't bite

Clawdeen slowly walked toward her teacher and shook her hand

Clawdeen: hello ma'm

Mrs Claw: don't be scared, you two will have a great time

the bell then rings and other kids walked inside the Classroom

Mrs Claw: alright, kids settle down, class has begun

Clawdeen took a seat next to Draculaura as the lesson began


Clawdeen was eating her lunch on her own waiting for her big sister, Draculaura had to stop at her locker for something, but it was taking her so long. Clawdeen was afraid to be alone, just then a were-cat came up to her

Toralei: What Are You Doing Here Human?!

Clawdeen: hey, I'm also half werewolf, and I'm a first grader, like you

Toralei: you? go to school with real monsters? *laugh* shouldn't you be with other humans?

Clawdeen teared up, she didn't know what to say, she begged that Draculaura would come back

Toralei: Your Really Crying? Baby! They Made A Mistake Letting You Go Here! This Isn't A Nursery

Clawdeen: Stop It! Why Are You So Mean?!

Toralei: Because I Want Real Monsters Here! Not Human Cry Babies!

Toralei pushes her off the table, causing Clawdeen to start sobbing


Clawdeen: sissy?

Draculaura held her arms out and Clawdeen ran into her, Draculaura picked her up and held her tightly, Clawdeen sobbed into her chest as Draculaura shushed her. she then glared at Toralei

Draculaura: If You Come Near My Baby Sister Again!

Toralei: What?! This.. Freak Is Your Sister?

Draculaura came face to face with her

Draculaura: the best sister in the world, and I can get pretty crazy if anybody harms her, so leave her alone

Toralei: wow and I thought you were lame

Clawdeen sniffled

Draculaura: Stop It Now!

Toralei: did you bribe the principle on letting her come here?

Draculaura: No! She's Half Monster To! The Principle Loved Her! Besides She's Smarter Then You!

Toralei: and your not embarressed?

Draculaura: what? no!

Toralei: she's been clinging to you all day!

Draculaura: so what? she's my little sister, my cute, loving, brave, smart and adorable baby sister, and I wouldn't trade her for anything

Clawdeen smiled and hugged her older sister who hugged her back

Clawdeen: I love you big sister!

Draculaura: I love you too!


Clawdeen and Draculaura were in their dorm room. Clawdeen's side of the room had a purple bed, with a lilac colored blanket and a paw shaped pillow, a big wolf shaped chair with a desk, and a wolf shaped lamp. Draculaura's side had a pink bed, with a pink blanket and black bat shaped pillows, next to it was a pink desk with a black chair, then a black closet. Draculaura tucked Clawdeen into bed and kissed her head

Draculaura: you made me so proud today, and I'm sure you will be popular in no time, good fright

Clawdeen: good-fright big sister

Draculaura smiled as she watched Clawdeen drift off, she yawned and crawled into her own bed and soon drifted off as well

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