Eyes rates his ships

133 2 15


Have some delicious Eyes fanart 🤑🥰 ^

(which is not mine.)



may offend you lol
for entertainment purposes only.


None's pov


Eyes was suddenly transported to a unrecognized room. "Erm.. Where am I?" He asked, looking around.

The room looked nice, nicer than the hotel honestly. There was a tv in the middle that was blank.

"Hello!" a random voice chimed in after it thought Eyes was good enough with his surroundings. "Uh.. Hi? Where am I?" Eyes asked again. "Oh sorry.." The voice said softly. "Your in a reaction room! Your going to react to your ships and rate them!" Eyes nodded slightly as a sign he understood.

Eyes sighed. "Lets get this iver with.." The tv turned on

Displayed on the tv was a image of Eyes x Halt.

"8/10." Eyes said almost immediately. The next image was Eyes x Seek. "I dont really speak to him, also, he has a child and husband, no thanks. But for platonic and friendship purposes, 5/10."

Eyes x Figure was next showed on the tv screen.
"He has a husband, for platonic purposes, 5/10."

Eyes x Screech...
"Child. I guess like 2/10?"
Eyes x Timothy...
"Also a child... And a fucking spider. 1/10."
Eyes x Jack...
"Ew, hell no. 0/10"
Eyes x Hide...
"Me and him have a good friendship, 3/10."
Eyes x Rush...
"Haha... No. 2/10."
Eyes x Ambush...
"Eh, better than Rush.. 3/10?"
Eyes x Dupe..?
"No. 1/10."
Eyes x Snare
"Needles. 0/10"
Eyes x 60...
"I barely see him, 1/10."
Eyes x 120...
"Same goes for 60, 1/10"
Eyes x 90..
"Same as the other two bozos, 1/10."
Eyes x Gl..
"No. 2/10"
Eyes x Cl..
"Same for his goons, 1/10."


Whiskers: 311 🤑


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