Chapter 1: A Taste of Life.

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The day was August 22nd, 2010, a rather chilly day for the city of Richmond, Virginia, we meet three close friends walking downtown, Damien, Joey and Blaine.

Joey is the brains of the group, having gone to a nice college, playing for their football program and majoring in business, specifically financing. He has long and fluffy jet black hair and stands at a staggering six foot, four inches. Being the laid back one in the group, nobody ever seems to have a problem with him.

Blaine is the survivalist of the group, being obsessed with the outdoors, he joined the boy scouts at a young age and it instantly clicked with him, he especially clicked with archery even going as far as to compete in some state competitions. He stands at only five foot, ten inches being the youngest in the group, but doesn't let his size nor age stray from the fact he's a serious person. 

Damien being the all around crazy one in the group, he's loud in public, mostly fun to be around but sometimes let's his mental instability get the best of him, a few months prior he was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder causing his life to change the moment the doctor broke him the reasonably tough news, Joey and Blaine were there to support him from day one about it. He was more upset on the fact he never had any true family other than his father to support him. He came from a broken home and his mother had recently passed away due to an overdose of painkillers which didn't help his already pre-existing family issues.

As they walk down the busy sidewalk, Damien is glued to his cellphone as he sees a news report about citizens in Atlanta, Georgia acting very aggressive and operating not like a regular human being should.

" Have you guys heard of this thing going on in Atlanta? " Damien said in a questioning tone to the other two.

Damien then showed a video that was captured by a news reporter local to the Atlanta area of a man aggressively speed-walking towards a police vehicle, a police officer can be heard over the intercom of the car telling the man to stay still or else he'll be tased.

" Probably some crazy drugs going around those parts. Besides, we're in Virginia, not down there. " Joey said now, practically brushing the situation off like it wasn't anything to worry about.

" What do you think about this, Blaine? " Joey said now, nudging Blaine with his arm in the process.

" I don't know, I mean, it's crazy that's happening but at the same time, stuff like this has happened before. " Blaine said now, not really showing any interest in the topic.

" He's right y'know, stuff like this has happened before. " Joey says, agreeing with Blaine on the topic.

" Besides, how many times has that same report popped up recently? " Joey said to Damien now.

" Uhhhhhhhhh. " He said as he scrolled through the daily reports.

" Oh wow, over 5 reports of the same instance happening in Atlanta. " Damien said now, tilting his phone screen to Joey and Blaine's line of sight.

" Could be the same part of the city, who knows what kind of crazy stuff they take over there. " Joey says in response to the numerous reports shown.

" Meh, it's whatever. " Damien says as he turns his phone off, sticking it into the pocket of his dark red letterman jacket.

Chapter 1 End.

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