Chapter 3: don't hesitate

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Elke lay on the treatment table at the FC Barcelona training facility, still recovering from her exhausting training session. The medical staff had administered fluids through an IV to rehydrate her body, and she was finally beginning to feel more like herself. However, the needle's removal from her arm made her hiss in discomfort.

The team's trainer, concerned for Elke's well-being, approached her with a gentle but firm demeanor. "Elke, you've pushed yourself too hard today. You need to rest. Someone will have to drive you home."

Elke glanced around at her teammates, each of them making excuses about why they couldn't help her. She felt a pang of disappointment, realizing that her relentless pursuit of acceptance had distanced her from the team.

Just as the awkward silence began to settle, Clàudia Pina spoke up. "I'll drive her home," she offered, her voice filled with concern.

Elke's head snapped up, and she looked at Clàudia with surprise. It was the first time she had seen such kindness from her teammates, and it touched her deeply.

With Clàudia's support, they carefully helped Elke to her feet. She was still shaky, but the fluids were doing their job, and her exhaustion was beginning to subside. Clàudia led her out to her car and helped her get settled in the passenger seat.

During the drive to Elke's house, the car was filled with a heavy silence. Elke leaned her head back against the seat, closing her eyes briefly. The events of the day had taken a toll on her both physically and emotionally.

As they pulled up to Elke's lonely and dark, empty house, she realized just how isolated she had been. Her teammates were not only her colleagues but also her family, and she had been too focused on proving herself to truly connect with them.

Clàudia helped Elke out of the car and into the house. Elke's body ached, and she cursed softly in German about how cold and exhausted she felt. Clàudia listened empathetically, not understanding what she said but understanding the frustration that Elke was experiencing.

Once inside, Elke told Clàudia that she could leave her on the couch; she was okay from there. Clàudia hesitated but respected her wishes. She knew that Elke needed some space to process everything that had happened.

As Clàudia left for the night, she sent Elke a message: "Take care of yourself, Elke. We're here for you, always. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. 💙❤️"

Elke stared at her phone for a moment, touched by the message.

With a heavy sigh, she slowly got up from the couch and made her way to the stack of boxes that held her belongings. The boxes had remained largely untouched since her arrival in Barcelona, a stark reminder of the life she had left behind in Germany.

Elke carefully opened one of the boxes, and her heart skipped a beat as she unearthed a collection of old team pictures. They were snapshots of moments from her time with her previous club, Wolfsburg, filled with smiling faces of teammates she had shared victories and defeats with.

As she gazed at the photographs, a sense of nostalgia washed over her. She ran her fingers over the images, tracing the familiar faces of friends who had become like family. Memories of the camaraderie and the unspoken understanding that existed within a tight-knit team flooded her mind.

Tears welled up in Elke's eyes as she realized just how much she missed the bonds she had formed with her former teammates. The language barrier, the isolation, and the relentless pursuit of acceptance in Barcelona had left her feeling adrift, a stranger in a foreign land.

She sat down on the floor with the photographs spread out around her, allowing herself to feel the weight of the memories and the longing for the comfort of familiarity. It was a poignant moment of reflection, a reminder of the journey she had undertaken and the sacrifices she had made to pursue her dreams.

As she sighed sadly, her heart ached with a mixture of sadness and determination. Elke knew that she couldn't dwell on the past forever. She had to find a way to bridge the gap between her old life and her new one, to make Barcelona her home, and to forge new bonds with her teammates.

With that resolve in mind, she carefully packed away the photographs, tucking them back into the box.

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