The Late Sophomore.

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The alarm clock could be heard, making an Oscar-worthy noise, but the figure still in bed seemed undisturbed by this.

The room resembled that of a typical teenager, a chaotic yet strangely organized mess, decorated with clothes, scraps of paper, several empty snack wrappers, and an array of computer screens. It appeared as though the figure still lost in a fantasy world was a computer geek or something.

Gem, a high schooler with an athletic body boasting perfect proportions and long purple hair that could rival that of an anime character, continued to relish her journey in fantasy land on the first day of her sophomore year. Meanwhile, a small tank-like robot entered the room, embarking on the arduous task of restoring the chaotic room to the pristine surroundings of a perfect girl's room with a touch of computer aesthetics one might find on the web. Oddly enough, this transformation failed to stir our sleeping beauty.

The blaring of the alarm persisted until Gem finally smashed the off button. She got up and gazed at herself in the mirror, then exclaimed, "I am a mess!"

"I overslept, I'm 30 minutes late for school, and I have to report to the principal about last year's incident," Gem lamented in a high-pitched voice.

It took her 15 minutes to get ready for school. She made her way to a tank robot with the name "Jade" inscribed on it and asked, "Jade, is Project 17 ready for a test drive?"

Jade responded in a masculine voice, "Fuel for Project 17 has been stabilized, but I don't think it's ethical to take it for a test drive yet, ma'am. Several variables still need to be evaluated."

Ignoring Jade's warning, Gem headed to a garage-like room filled with various contraptions. She stopped at one that resembled a jetpack, quickly donned it, and activated it.

A circular hatch, 15 meters in diameter, opened, and Gem shot through it. While wearing the jetpack, she also wore a helmet-like device that covered her entire head. Her flight path was displayed on the helmet's Heads-Up-Display. With an estimated flight time of 3 minutes, she bolted off like a blur.

Upon reaching the vicinity of the school, her trusty jetpack failed her when an error message appeared on the HUD. She had no choice but to eject the jetpack, which exploded moments after detaching from her back. Gem remained unfazed, knowing that the jetpack was programmed to self-destruct upon ejection to protect her technology from prying eyes.

Fortunately, she landed on the school roof with only a few bruises. It was a far better outcome than arriving an hour late to school, considering her house was a 30-minute drive away, and she lived alone with several robots.

Gem raced down the stairs and entered her classroom, surprisingly devoid of a teacher. The students were engaged in discussions about their holiday experiences. Gem sighed quietly and briskly made her way to her desk at the back of the classroom, going unnoticed, which she had grown accustomed to. She considered it a blessing, or so she thought.

A few minutes later, a woman who could easily be classified as an anime waifu entered the classroom. Her gravity-defying assets captured the attention of the boys and incited envy among the girls. She was a head-turning figure.

Introducing herself as Miss Allen, she revealed that she would be the class teacher for Class 2-1.

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