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"Soul Weapon, a weapon forged in the shape of a person's soul, containing a fragment of that soul, allowing the weapon and wielder to synchronize and become one. When wielder and weapon are in sync, an aura is produced, acting as a boost for the wielder and a guide for utilizing the weapon to its fullest potential. Throughout vampire and elf history, none have mastered their weapon to its maximum potential," explained Mr. Yach, an elf resembling an anime sensei, to the students of class 2-1. Dressed in their gym uniforms, they listened intently to their class instructor's words. "Even with a Soul Weapon, it's ethical to practice with other weapons for improved versatility."

Mr. Yach settled onto a yoga mat, projecting live body functions on the gym's screen. Suddenly, energy began flickering around him, distorting the air. Standing up swiftly, he assumed a fighting stance, hands free and open, as a golden light radiated from them, forming gauntlets with intricate inscribed lines. He explained that despite sitting down, he'd mastered summoning his soul weapon, demonstrating it for teaching purposes.

Gathering the students, Mr. Yach inquired if they had all summoned their weapons fresh out of the evolution pool, and most confirmed. Gem realized her absence was due to a visit to the school clinic; by the time she awoke, everyone had left. Mr. Yach explained that following the pamphlet activated the summoning process.

An inquisitive student in glasses raised a question, supported by nods from others: "Shouldn't we master our abilities before accessing our soul weapons?" Mr. Yach smiled, replying, "To master one's ability, one must know and be true to oneself. The soul weapon mirrors one's soul and to fully master it, one must be true to oneself." With this, he quelled any doubts among the students.

Encouraging them to relax their bodies and recollect the dream-state experience, Mr. Yach initiated a practice session for the students. He continued saying by recollecting that dream state feeling, they would be able to summon their soul weapon on command with ease.
Gem sat on the yoga mat and watched others meditating hard. After a few moments, she saw the same flickering effect on the kid with glasses, this effects continued to grow until an object began materialize in front of him. A respondent green light shone with vigour as the soul weapon materialized.

As the students focused on recollecting their dream-state experience, Gem watched attentively, intrigued by Mr. Yach's instructions. Suddenly, a flickering effect caught her eye. The boy with glasses, known as Alan, was enveloped in a growing luminous aura. It continued expanding until an object materialized in front of him—a radiant emerald-like bow, its energy pulsating with vibrant hues. It seemed to respond to his presence, illuminating the room with its brilliance.

Alongside Alan, several others successfully summoned their soul weapons. Among them was Gem, who effortlessly summoned her unique black Rubik's Cube, which emitted an enigmatic aura, rotating slowly in the air as if waiting for her command.

As the summoning process continued, a mysterious figure in a remote cave. His piercing blue eyes gleamed ominously in the dimly lit cavern, his presence surrounded by chains that barely contained his immense power. Emitting a deafening roar, the cave trembled violently, foretelling an unspoken power awakening somewhere distant from the school grounds.

Back at Evergreen High, it took nearly two hours for the entire class to summon their soul weapons successfully. Mr. Yach, impressed by their progress, dismissed the students after affirming how swiftly and efficiently they had summoned their weapons.

As the students prepared to leave, Mr. Yach announced that the next day's session would focus on refining the speed of summoning and tailored training for each student. He emphasized that the process of following the pamphlet activated the summoning mechanism, but now they were learningt to summon their weapons at will.

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