Chapter One: Madi

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Today is the day! Today Ashley, Taylor and I are going to see our idols in concert, the Janoskians. Ash is up first, she gets ready before Taylor and I because we take a lot longer than anyone. Next Taylor gets up and starts getting ready, I am conscious but not at the same time. I am sleeping but listening to their whispering.
"Madi is super nervous." I hear Ash say.
"Well I can tell, she's been so touchy on the topic. When she talks about meeting Jai she kinda looks like she can't breathe." Tay says.
"She told me why..."
"What is it?"
"She seems to think that we are gold compared to her. She thinks that Jai is gonna see me or you and fall for one of us over her..."
"Oh. Well why? Everyone at my school says she's gorgeous!"
"People have been telling her that's she's ugly and stuff since grade 6."
"Yeah I know" I can hear the frown in their voices.
"She started to believe it. But we should stop talking about it, it looks like she's about to wake up."
We all enter the car, my mum offered to take us to the concert. It was either her or my dad, who would not let us do anything. So we started driving. By the time we got there, it was packed with people lined up to watch the boys enter the stadium. We pushed to the front and I accidentally bumped into a girl.
"I'm so sorry!" I said and the girl turned around. I recognized her. It was Ariana, a girl I had been talking to on Twitter.
"Oh my gosh Madi!!!" She hugs me and I fall backwards into another fan that is on Instagram. Annie.
"Madi!!?" She also hugs me. The 5 of us stand there waiting for the boys while chatting and finally the black car pulls up, I get so nervous I look around and see everyone's lips moving but don't hear anything but my heart beat. First to step out of the car is James. He walks by us and winks at one of us, I believe it was Annie. Then Luke steps out of the car. He looks so much like Jai, obviously, they are twins but that's the only thing that could run through my mind. He walks past the 5 of us and Ariana frowns. Then I hear him say,
"Just kidding." As he turns around grabs Ari's hands and kisses her cheek. She blushes. My heart is beating faster. Where is Jai? Next out of the car is Beau. He looks around at the crowd and his eyes land on Taylor. They take up and down her thin body a few times as he walks over to her.
"Hey Babe, you have meet and greet tickets right?" She nods and he kisses her forehead, winks and then walks off. My heart is about to explode. Daniel steps out of the car with a frown on his face. Something must have happened in the car but his face lightens up as he sees Ashley. He runs over kisses her lips and then walks off.
"Wow" she whispers and I know that all those times she gave up on him were gone.
Now was the moment I had been waiting for. Jai steps out of the vehicle. On his phone as usual, just like me. Then he hears the girls screams and he puts his phone in his pocket. He smiles at a few girls and my stomach aches. I knew it. All of them got noticed by their favs but Jai will never love me. I'm so stupid. I'm thinking all of this as he turns and catches me eye. He stares right into them and smiles.

Falling in love with a Janoskians boyWhere stories live. Discover now