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( story recommended by caffeineaddict55 -warning angst so get your popcorn 🍿😔😭) + Stella povs 

Blitz pov ~ 

I woke up still unhappy , loona was laying besides me 

, Loonie poo wake up sweetie,

She groaned " what blitz" 

, Time to wake up I need to get my coffee, I hate when she calls me blitz but when she calls me dad I cherish it dearly

 " fine I'm getting up" she said sighing , she turned her face then stretched " are you ok " 

, Yes loonie much better today , I smiled 

She looked away but I saw a corner smile which made me happy 

 " I'm going to my own room just try not to be out to long ok ... Dad " 

I started to tear up but I didn't want to show , of course loonie I won't be too long , 

 " goodbye blitz" 

, Bye loonie, 

She left room leaving me to get changed , I love are daughter and dad moments 

I get changed in my usual outfit then head out to my van so I could drive to the closest coffee shop ,

 Stella pov ~ 

Uhhhhh today is my day with my shitty daughter Octavia and I have to go to the palace of that useless, cock sucking BASTARD 

I hate to see his ugly worth nothing face , at least I don't sleep with little filthy imps 

Sadly I arrived at that cunts palace , I knock on the door , nobody answers them lousy idio- before I could say any more Stolas's little butler opened the door

 " yes what do you desire madame stella" 

I sigh with disgust , does he fuck you too, 

 " no madame but is there anything you want " 

I rolled my eyes , I want my daughter were is she I ain't got all day, 

 " right this way madame " I followed the little imp inside I didn't want to be there , but I planned to get my daughter and her straight out of there 

Then I here faint crys from Stolas 's bedroom which made me smile I love when he is tormented 

I entered the room to see him curled in his bed sobbing away I laugh he is losing feathers , awww your little imp won't fuck you no morrrrrre, 

He shot up then turned to look at me " ...stella..no I can't be dealing with this get out ..now" 

I tut , no I don't have to do don't even try imp sucker , 

He rolled his eyes " Stella I said to so leave now " 

I fold my arms , I can't wait for the day that your dad disowns you , you worthless piece of shit, I said slamming my hands on his bed 

 " Stella ..... Leave now" 

I roll my eyes bringing my hands up , Fine I don't want to be in the presence of a lousy cock sucking prick, 

I left the room angered then clapped my hands ordering the butler to come over , I will get my daughter later I need to go out , 

I head back outside to my luxurious car that I don't even drive haha , I hop in 

, Off we go peasant, I clapped my hands of as the carriage went away , I want coffee now, 

The driver sighs driving me to the closest coffee shop , what is this I want expensive now, 

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