Chapter 11- Camp

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The wind blew harder against us as we advanced towards the military camp. I started having the kids walk behind the adults to shield them, making us deal with the colder weather.

The radio buzzed again as we reached the entrance to the camp. “The outpost ahead… it’s
been quiet for quite a while. I’d be real careful.” Kona warned.

“Thanks for the warning, we will,” Mimi replied, clipping the radio around her waistband.

As we entered through the gates of the outpost, I started feeling incredibly uneasy. I couldn’t tell if it was fear, or just the thought of finally getting that cure. “So, detective,” Willow suddenly started, “any ideas on what went down here?”

I looked around at the empty military camp, examining the base. “There’s barely any damage… the infected must’ve taken them by surprise.” Everything but a few buildings looked

Pony wandered over to a nearby bench and picked up something shiny. “Hey, Jade!” he
called to me. I hurried over to see him holding a ton of ammunition. “I can use this ammo with
Willow’s gun. Mind if I use it?” I popped the button on the pouch and pulled the gun out, handing it over to Pony.

I knew it was obviously going to be different from the one outside the plant back near Lucella, but I never would’ve thought that an entire cave would be used in a military camp. A creaky bridge was built over the gap in the floor that led right over to an elevator. Bingo.

“The elevator to the lab is in the cave, guys!” I heard a gunshot go off as I watched an infected soldier sink into the snow in front of Pony. “So that’s why you wanted her gun.” He blew out a breath and handed it back to me before we retrieved the others.

“We found a way in!” Pony exclaimed. “I’ll catch up with you guys in a bit.” As the group walked past us, Pony tugged at my arm for me to follow him to the side. “Jade, can I talk to you for a moment?” He started fidgeting around again.

“Sure, what’s up?” He kept staring down at the snow almost as if he were scared to look at me.

“Well, Willow’s right. There is something I should tell you…” He took a deep breath and finally looked me in the eyes. “Back at the carnival, I thought you were infected because… well… I gave you the potion.”

I paused, twisting my face in confusion right away before everything started flooding back into my brain. The vial. Doggy. The taste of almonds when I woke up. “In the forest… that was you…?” He jerked his head to the side, and I noticed tears beading up in his eyes.

With a gentle nod, he added, “You, and your friend… it was me. I’m not proud of it, but I
had no choice. The Silver Paw made me do it.”
I stared at him in disbelief with my mouth open.

My throat grew dry, and I couldn’t speak. What would I even say to him? I felt a tear sliding down my cheek, then another, before it turned into a silent, heavy sob. I collapsed in front of Pony and gripped my upper arms.

“Jade?” he hesitantly asked. “Jade, say something. Please.” He reached out and brushed
me on the arm with his hand before I slapped it away. I stood up and stared at him, infuriated,
lunging forward with my fists clenched. I slammed one into his cheek and gripped the collar of his shirt before planting the other in his stomach. He cried out in pain and clutched his stomach before looking up at me.

“I trusted you,” I snarled. “After everything we've been through, just to find you're the one who took him away from me?!” Pony kicked at the snow to get away from me before backing into a tree.

“L-look,” he stuttered, “I’m sorry! I-I just thought that if I could forget about it, then we could stay friends. I can’t lose you, Jade!”

“Forget about this?!” I screamed, stomping towards him. “You tried to INFECT me! How do I know you’re not gonna try that again?!” My voice broke. I stepped towards him again, outraged. Tears continued streaming down my face, making everything blurry.

Infection-  Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ