Chapter 6

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Despite the low amount of views I get in my stories I bet you'll all like this chapter because if anyone knows about it from the manga and anime they know what's going to happen, also I wanted y'all to know that izuku is named after his ancestor satoru who... as you know... is around now so I wanted to ask... would you want his full name as izuku satoru Gojo or satoru izuku Gojo?

Third POV

It's been a week since the last chapter and izuku still has trouble with figuring out how to use reversal: red

"Damnit! I still can't get it..." izuku says tiredly

"Like I said last week son, you have to figure it out yourself" satoru tells him

"I know dad... I know" izuku says to satoru

As they keep training at the old jujutsu school after school at UA izuku's class, Ai and her kids, Riko and izuku's new mom Lori utahime show up to see him practice the moves from the Gojo line because they had nothing else to do

Meanwhile in an alley two people are talking

"There's something I want you to do for me, I'll pay you enough money to get it done" of then tells the other

"And what is it?" The other asks cautiously

"I need you to kill a fake for me" the other says, 'satoru is too strong so I need to take out his descendant that he's looking after with Lori'

"... what's their name?" The new client asks

"Izuku Gojo" the mysterious person tells him

"No, he's a true hero so I won't take up the offer" the client says

"Oh but that's where you're wrong" the mysterious person tells him and then he proceeds to tell the new client everything from how satoru and the others came back and how izuku, his descendant slowly started to get his personality as time went by after being near him

"No..." the client says in denial, "here's the knife you'll need... stain" the mysterious person tells him

"... what do you go by?" Stain says as he's about to leave for the job to which the mysterious person looks back and says

"Kenjaku" he says as he walks away (yeah he stayed as Suguru Geto, I don't know how long kenjaku can stay in a body but for the sake of the story he can stay in one for a long time)

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"Kenjaku" he says as he walks away (yeah he stayed as Suguru Geto, I don't know how long kenjaku can stay in a body but for the sake of the story he can stay in one for a long time)

Back to our MC and everyone else, they decided to train at the old school but farther away because of how powerful the gojo's were for their safety, satoru also went over to them to check on their progress

After some time they all start to walk over but stop when they see this

(Starts at izuku getting stabbed and satoru stopping everyone, the JJK characters already know of course so they don't do anything)

"Stop, this happened to me already so I know what happens, he'll be fine" satoru tells izuku's class, Ai and her kids

"But..." they say but stop when they see satoru's face and come to an understanding knowing that it happened to him so they let it go

"I think I know what will happen next..." satoru says

"What?" They ask

"Let's go, I know where the second fight will be" satoru tells them

Timeskip to second fight, satoru and everyone else are hidden and they see stain show up

(Man I love this dub scene in the anime, it was so good, also pretend that Riko amanai wasn't mentioned since well... she's alive in this story since it's the future and she's reincarnated and all that but still remembers everything, also since it's stain he doesn't have a kid so the talk after will be different)

"Holy... shit" they all say except for Satoru, ruby and aqua

"Any last words?" Izuku asks

"Nah..." stain says, "well maybe one... I did say... only two people were chosen by me as true heroes and could be the only one to take me down and kill me... so I'm glad it was you"

"... I appreciate it... I guess? Also... all might is a fake" izuku tells stain

"H-huh? Why?" Stain asks him to which he explains how he truly was

"... I-I see... thanks... for telling me" stain says as his eyes close and he falls on the ground dead

"You know... it's rude to stare" izuku says as he notices everybody looking at him

"Congrats buddy! You finally got the hang of it! I told you you would" satoru tells him

"Yeah yeah I know" izuku says with a smile making nobara, the zenin sisters, Riko, Ai and kyoka blush at their crush

"Both fights was literally like mine against... megumi's father Toji" satoru says

"True but it's ok, he wasn't exactly there for me and you're like a dad to all of us" megumi says as the JJK kids nod, "it doesn't matter about the age difference I mean look at izuku and the precious snowball eri?" Which makes satoru just smile in appreciation

Here's the end of chapter 6, I tried not to rush this because of the amount of time skips so I hope you like this tiny rewrite better

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