How the turns have tabled

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"Oh that's right, I'm Yagami Light, nice to meet you too, (y/n)-san." He smiled his usual polite smile.

In complete awe she stared into his eyes, not bother by the fact, that he has killed thousand (?). For our oblivious (y/n) all of this is still not real at all. Well, it is really hard to digest to suddenly transmigrate into the world of an anime or manga.

'He is actually so pretty in 3d, I can not believe it. Well, maybe that is to be expected, I mean there were quite a lot of girl fawning over him, right?' thought (y/n), while looking at Light

"So you are new in Town?" Light said, as he awkwardly noticed your stare. He already seemed to like her, maybe because she just agreed with Kira.

"I certainly have never been here, if that counts" (y/n) said with a shrug, receiving confused looks from the boy on her side "Anyways, how are you handling the situation, Light-kun? I mean, what would you do if you were Kira?" Light's eyebrow slightly twitched at this question, while (y/n) was really just curious to see his reaction.

He answered "Kira's on the right course, but killing people is wrong." This answer seemed like he thought of it even before the question, and was trained well to be able to answer in this generic way.

Unbeknownst to (y/n), the whole time, since they met, this weirdly hunched over creature was flying around her. His whole figure was questionable, but of course very iconic. She herself couldn't see Ryuk, but Light obviously could. And he was both annoyed and curious, about what his shinigami friend was so fixed about. It was already annoying enough, how L tricked Light into revealing, that Kiar's most likely in the Kanto Region of Japan. And apparently Light was also being followed by some FBI Agent, but obviously he already had a plan for him. However, this new variable and distraction for Ryuk, ticked him off even more.

On their way to the school, they were able to talk some more. However, everything Light said was just shallow courtesy, he didn't exactly want to build a relationship with (y/n) after all.

After they separated, Light finally got the opportunity to ask Ryuk "What is going on with you?" all the while still whispering so nobody unwanted would hear him.

Ryuk thought about, if he should even answer Light, but decided to reveal it "It's weird, I can't see her name..."

shocked Light turned to him "So she has a death note?!"

"No it's different, I can tell. I've never seen anything like that before" throught Ryuk's eyes it wasn't like there was just no name over (y/n)'s head, the whole thing was just distorted to point he couldn't possibly read it.

"What the heck, so I'm supposed to watch out for her as well?" Light said full of annoyance. However, he still had to keep his facade for the FBI Agent, so for now he continued just as usual.

Back to (y/n) who completely forgot her situation because she had to fangirl over a certain someone, she was now lost in the school building.

'From lost on some street to lost in some building? Amazing job (y/n)...' she thought to herself

Only now she decided to check her belongings, and opened her slim schoolbag with a cute little pendant on one of the sippers. In there she found a rather old-ish looking phone and decided to try to unlock it. Surprisingly, the pin was the same as her own, so she could look into it very easily. Within the phone she could find quite a lot of information about herself.

Her life actually didnt seem to be that different from how she lived in the "real world", she couldnt find the contact of her dad in her phone and the messages she shared with her mom were quite sparsely but always about when she would be back home.

As (y/n) was lost anyways, she decided to just follow the time table she found in one of her notes and still look out for the actual main character, Yagami Light.
She was quite surprised of how easily she could follow the school life of another world and as another person. It almost seemed like nothing really changed.

After school she walked her way home to find a familiar sight, here as well not much changed from her original place.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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