Chapter 3

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Ominis looked stunned as he pulled away from her lips. "Where are we?"

Ash smiled. "My version of the Undercroft. I fixed it up and I use it as a second, more secluded office space. Private enough for you?"

Ominis gave a devious smile. "Quite." Ominis kissed her neck as he fished his wand out of the holster on his hip. He sat up and held his wand out so he could get his bearings in the unfamiliar space. Something piqued his interest as his eyebrows rose and he shifted underneath Ash. With his wand still between his fingers, he grabbed under her thighs and hoisted her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he stood up, supporting her with his hands firmly against her ass as her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He carried her a few feet before gently setting her down on the edge of her desk. As he leaned down to kiss her again, he holstered his wand. With his hands now freed up, he was able to work on unbuttoning her blouse. His hands were surprisingly quick as he deftly unbuttoned her shirt while she placed open-mouth kisses on his neck. The only time his hands faltered was when her lips reached the edge of his jaw, just below his ear. He shuddered and groaned before sliding her blouse off her shoulders. Ominis slid his hands down her sides, his thumbs grazing over her bra. He leaned down and placed a series of kisses across her collarbone and the top of her chest before standing and working to remove his shirt.

While Ominis was focused on his own buttons, Ash unclasped her bra and tossed it aside. She slid her hands up the tops of Ominis's thighs before helping him with the rest of his shirt buttons. He carelessly threw his shirt to the floor and leaned over Ash to devour her lips yet again. He had one hand on the nape of her neck, the other hand was planted firmly on the desk. Ash moaned against his lips before pulling away momentarily to slide her things off the desk and onto the floor. When she turned back to Ominis, she saw that he was kneeling on the floor. He leaned forward and trailed kisses across her stomach. Ash wrapped her fingers in his blonde hair as he licked up her abdomen. He slid his hands up her body and paused momentarily as his thumbs grazed her bare chest. He hadn't noticed until now that she had removed her bra. His expression changed from surprise to something akin to anguish. Ash felt his warm heavy breathing against her stomach as he moved to palm her breast. He placed kisses on the underside of one breast while his hand gripped the other. Ash tightened her grip on Ominis's hair as she moaned softly and pressed her body into his mouth. He had to be covering her with bruises, but she didn't care. He fully encompassed her breast in his mouth, flicking her nipple with his tongue. With his hand on her other breast, he gently teased her nipple between the crook of his thumb. He was driving her mad and he knew it.

Ominis stood up and leaned over her. He wore an expression she hadn't seen before. He boasted an arrogant smile, as if he knew that what he was doing was torture and he intended to drag it out as long as possible. He got close enough to barely brush her lips with his. If she leaned forward, he pulled back. Finally, he gave in and kissed her as his fingers hooked under the waistband of her skirt. In one fluid movement, he removed her skirt and undergarments and tossed them into a pile on the floor. Ash shivered at the sudden cold air against her skin, yet she immediately burned again when Ominis dropped to the floor and began kissing up her leg. As he reached her inner thigh, he lifted her other leg so her foot was propped against the top of the desk. The motion caused Ash to fall back onto her elbows as she stared down at Ominis between her legs. He snaked his arm underneath her elevated thigh so his hand was cradling her lower back. His breath on her inner thigh felt like it would burn holes through her skin. She twisted her hips toward him, begging wordlessly, although she was uncertain what exactly she was begging for. Her body burned for his touch but she'd never had a man in that particular position. She was uncertain what to expect but she twisted her hips toward him again.

Ominis let out a slow breath against her thigh. "Patience, darling."

She almost came undone right then and there. She whimpered as he resumed kissing and licking up her inner leg until he paused at the apex of her thigh. He licked a vertical stripe up one side before kissing her other thigh and licking a vertical stripe up the apex of that side. She tossed her head back as she moaned. "Ominis... please." She wasn't sure what she wanted or expected him to do, she just chased after some form of release.

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