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The next morning, Felix awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside his window, a gentle reminder that a new day had begun. He stretched and got out of bed, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. Today was the beginning of a new chapter, one he had longed for but had never dared to fully pursue until now.

In the kitchen, Minho was already up, making coffee. He looked up as Felix entered, offering a sleepy but encouraging smile. "Morning, Lix. Ready for your first day of training?"

Felix nodded, grabbing a mug. "Ready as I'll ever be. Thanks for believing in me, Minnie."

Minho ruffled Felix's hair affectionately. "Always. Now, eat something. You'll need your energy."

As Felix prepared a quick breakfast, the doorbell rang. Minho went to answer it, and moments later, Hyunjin walked in, carrying a duffel bag filled with what Felix assumed were training supplies.

"Morning, guys," Hyunjin greeted, setting the bag down. "You ready, Felix?"

Felix took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, I am."

The three of them headed to the small park nearby, where Hyunjin began putting Felix through his paces. They started with warm-up exercises, stretching and loosening muscles, before moving on to more intensive dance routines. Hyunjin was a patient and demanding instructor, pushing Felix to his limits but always with a supportive word.

Minho watched from the sidelines, occasionally offering a thumbs-up or a bottle of water. He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride as he saw the determination and passion in Felix's movements. This was his brother, giving his all, chasing a dream that had once seemed out of reach.

Days turned into weeks, and Felix's progress was undeniable. He honed his skills, mastering complex choreography and building the stamina needed for long rehearsals. Hyunjin's connections proved invaluable, securing Felix an audition with one of the top entertainment companies in Seoul.

The day of the audition arrived, and Felix stood outside the towering building, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement. Minho and Hyunjin flanked him, offering last-minute advice and encouragement.

"You've got this, Felix," Hyunjin said, squeezing his shoulder. "Remember everything we've worked on. Show them who you are."

Minho nodded, his eyes shining with pride. "We believe in you, Lix. Now go in there and make them see what we see."

With a deep breath, Felix stepped inside, his resolve firm. The audition hall was intimidating, but he pushed aside his nerves and focused on the routine he had practiced countless times. As the music began, he let the rhythm take over, losing himself in the dance.

Minutes later, breathless but exhilarated, Felix finished his routine and stood before the judges. Their expressions were inscrutable, but he had given it his all. That was enough.

After what felt like an eternity, the head judge spoke. "Thank you, Felix. We'll be in touch."

Felix left the building, where Minho and Hyunjin were waiting anxiously. "How did it go?" Minho asked, eyes wide with anticipation.

Felix smiled, a mix of exhaustion and hope in his eyes. "I think it went well. Now we wait."

The days that followed were a blur of anxious anticipation, each passing hour stretching into eternity. Then, one afternoon, Felix's phone rang. He answered it with trembling hands, Minho and Hyunjin watching expectantly.

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