Late again?

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Chapter 2

Pierre's view

I had finally fixed my exasperating braces that were poking my gum. At least it feels a bit better?
I stood outside the worn-out school entrance, waiting for my forever-late Onyx.we had five minutes left 'till the bell rang. I hope he can at least come on time today ; we have to deal with the teachers every day , and the teacher we had next was not the best.

I tapped my feet impatiently when I smelt a familiar scent of strong, strangling perfume. Emily.
My heart froze.
My body froze.
I gripped my bag.
I shut my eyes.

No, no. I will not let her get her way. I will be brave. I can do it!
"Hah! Your friend isn't here to help you now? Is he? Now, you embarrassed me yesterday. Everyone was laughing at me! I will show you... You can't talk to me like that!"

Her hand was coming in for a punch.
"No! No! I didn't even talk! Why me?"
I firmly gripped her hand.
Rage and anger filled my body's core. I watched her mischievous face slowly turn into a baffled one. However, as soon as I had mustered enough courage to scare her off, the teacher came running to us, saying,
"Hey! Hey! Both of you are late! The bell already rang. Get to your classes. Now."

Well, at least he didn't catch us? Emily scoffed and she walked away in disgust and disappointment.
Then as I turned to leave, I felt something heavy on my back.
I was not in the mood now.

"Heyyyy best friend!!!" Said a loud voice behind me.
It was Onyx.
I pushed his hand off my back and turned to look at him.
"Late, again. C'mon we have to go." I forced myself to smile as I dragged him. We passed Emily as she rolled her eyes in an annoyed way. What an insolent, childish little girl.
What a way to start the day.

I cursed her under my breathe and followed it on with a low, long sigh. How annoying.
Somehow, Onyx seemed to notice!
"Wait... did you and Emily... fight?" He seemed a bit hesitant while saying so.

"Yup. Well, never mind her. We have Mrs Peters today, and the second bell already went!" I blurted out of my mouth.
"Oh Shi-"
I shot him a glare.
"Fiddlesticks!" He smoothly swapped.
He shot his most innocent smile but it looked like he was planning to kidnap me and feed me to his non-existent tarantula. Or maybe, Onyx would eat me himself! I shuddered and quickly turned away.
"Chop-chop!" I called out, " We are still late!".

Onyx's view

I always seem to forget to turn on my alarm. At this point, my alarm is literally useless!

I paced up and down my room, trying to process and comprehend EVERYTHING I needed to bring today.
While doing so, I struggled to put on the buttons for my t-shirt.

I imagined Pierre, looking clueless again, waiting for me at the front gate. Then imagined me finally arriving, him fixing my appearance and pulling me by my ear all the way to class.
I chuckled and bit my bottom lip. I felt a funny, fuzzy feeling taking over my heart. I closed my eyes and sighed.

A sight of Pierre?
A sight of Pierre.

He was on my bed, In my sweater, nothing to cover his lower half. My presumed 'best friend' was panting and his whole face was blood red. I observed his sweaty, rough face and his circular glasses, falling off. Pierre's hazel eyes were swollen and filled with tears.
He grabbed me by my collar, and I snapped out of it.

I gasped for air as I felt blood rise to my face. What time was it? I looked at the clock which said, 7:30. Ah shit- I was late again. Trying to ignore my thoughts, I rushed down with my bag and toast, and ran all the way to school.

That's when I saw Emily walk away from Pierre. I slowed down. His fists were clutched and his veins were practically jumping out of his face! I jumped on his back and exclaimed, "Heyyyy beast friendddd!" He then pushed me off. What was I expecting?

"Late, again. C'mon we have to go." He muttered with a plastered smile. It felt so fake but I didn't want to pressure him into saying what happened. So until he will, I will just have to try and keep his mood up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me. He didn't even look at me! We passed Emily as Pierre's expression became more stern. He muttered something under his breathe with I couldn't make out. Then an I pieced everything together.

Pierre (probably) cursing Emily, Emily walking away from his when I reached school, did they... fight?
"Wait... did you and Emily...fight?" I asked as my expression became more puzzled. I have never seen Pierre even talk to her back! This was new!

"Yup. Well, never mind her. We have Mrs Peters today and the second bell went!" Fuck. This is what happens when you fantasise about you and you best friend doing... stuff. I tried to stop my face from turning red, but the thoughts just came back.

"Oh Shi-" Pierre shot a scary glare at me. Now how was I meant to avoid this. I forced myself to chuckle and I finished my sentence with, "fiddlesticks". I tried the smile I had practiced all weekend to do but Pierre just looked at me like I was going insane. Maybe smiling was not meant for me. It was probably like I was a stalker who had just been figured out. Poor Pierre's shook and ran.
"Chop-chop!" He yelled, "We're still late!"
I had totally forgot about that...

How do you guys think Pierre and Onyx are gonna end up together 🫢 I'm not saying anything!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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