Marsalis Origin

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Marsalis Grew up in the streets of LA, he was involved in a lot of gang activities , some can say the system gave up on him, Marsalis got himself involved with the Piru Bloods a renowned gang in the streets of LA the bloods had serious beef with the black disciple's due to this beef he was in and out of juvenile detention, he finally gave the street life up after his brother Jody was shot robbing a liquor store at the age of 14 Marsalis was 18 at the time . Jody's death changed Marsalis's entire perspective and he moved to Texas Where he then met Carmen almost 2 years ago, he had walked into a restaurant, saw a broad smile on a brown skinned  girl that represented the kind of life he wished he had. At some point we all stare into the eyes of someone who depicts what or who we want to be in life . We all develop that kind of love. His had been with a girl who had gone to Westchester High, The better side of town. A former cheerleader who grew up right off Crenshaw. Her mother had uprooted her family , brought that Jamaican money to the states. Money made in real estate. Marsalis fell in lust and then fell in love with the beautiful island girl who worked in Beverly hills.
They Developed a relationship and moved into an apartment on Fresno, Baldwin Hills ,
Little did Marsalis know that Carmen was a psycho she had stole from him and when he found out would gaslight him into thinking it was his aunt that came over frequently because of Carmen he had lost ties with alot of his family. He Was left with no one,
Now During All The Stress Of Being with Carmen Marsalis still had hopes that he and Carmen could work out
"You Know What Today Is Right ?" Marsalis yelled.
Carmen, Just Stepping in ,replied
"Am I Gonna Finally Die Marsalis?"
"He Stared at her with a strange look he couldn't stand that He felt a level of nonchalance in her tone
"I wanna Surprise her today!" He thought to himself
He Walked Out The Door closing it a bit hard behind him
Marsalis Decided to Leave work early and surprise Carmen with roses and champagne and a VIP ticket to a Celine Dion Concert
"She would love it" he thought
Now Back At Home Carmen was saying that she was tired of Marsalis
On the phone with her best friend
"This Nigga Don't Even Got Time For Me Girl!" She yelled into her phone
"Girllllll, I woulda been done with the nigga , u wasting time and that's on periodtt"
"Girl I wonder what he got planned for that anniversary shit cause I ain't doing shit "
Her Best friend laughed at that
"I'm Sending somebody over to you, he's a masseuse he'll get you right, his name is Keith , fine ass nigga too "
Her Other friends "PERIODTTTT"
Meanwhile Marsalis was planning a night Carmen would never forget leaving early from work, rose and champagne in hand he walked up to the door and then heard a strange noise
Marsalis being from the streets, already knows when something's wrong , he has that gut feeling.
He Always Kept a Strap For protection so he slipped back into the car to grab it
He used the spare key he had to open the door
Glock 9 With the switch On it held firmly
He walked upstairs to His and his wife's room the sound became less opaque
It was Carmen's voice
He Moved swiftly and kicked down the door with immense force breaking the lock
What Marsalis Saw , Shocked him
Carmen was up in his matrimonial bed , with another nigga
"Bae! OMG it's really not what it looks like"
Marsalis was Lost for words
"Who this nigga?" The guy on the bed said
This pissed Marsalis off even more
"Nigga if I shoot yo lil ass dick of you ain't gon be wondering no more"
He Looked at Carmen
"Bitch, get yo thot ass of my bed before I buss yo big ass head "
The Guy On The Bed Being a man from the streets himself  Got up slowly but showed no fear towards the instrument Marsalis was holding
"Bae calm down, I'm sorry okay but Keith, Keith understands me, you have no time for me , your always working and to be honest , I Don't Love You Anymore."

I don't love you anymore!
The Champagne bottle slipped and fell hard out Marsalis's hands
Those Words shook him and Repeated in his head over and over
Marsalis felt like he was falling , he had loved Carmen with all his heart and this what she had done?
Carmen Stared at him, no remorse for what she had just said.
Keith Looked confused , Marsalis turned and walked back out the room
He Grabbed a drink and started his car , Marsalis was out on the road headed towards the direction the bars were located
He had no one to vent too , his brother Jody died robbing a neighborhood liquor store, his mother and father were killed in a gang execution when he was 8 and he had no trace of his other family because of Carmen
He was surrounded by gang members all his life
So for the first time,
Marsalis Felt Alone
A Tear Dropped from his right eye and it's fraternal twin followed right after
He had never felt this way for anyone and Carmen had changed that
Marsalis Drove faster and faster the speed limit was 60 and he was driving at 90
He Then Saw Something Infront of him , he had lost control of the car and couldn't swerve away from the object he made a head on collision with a truck
And Blacked out
He later woke up with a bright light shining in his face
"God? Is that You Ma Nigga?"
The Doctor Laughed Hysterically,
"Nah Man, It's just me! Doctor mike. How u feeling today Marsalis? "
"I'm okay doc, what happened?"
"You made a head on collision with a log truck and u were knocked out"
He looked down making sure nothing was brokenhe was fine
He looked and no one was around his bed , not carmen , no one , she really ain't care
He then got a phone call , the called ID stated that it was none other than Carmen ,
"Marsalis, Im- Im pregnant!"
He felt like he could faint again.
"Marsalis , I- I'm pregnant!"
The words that made Marsalis breathless,
"I'm Pregnant Nigga, and ain't no deadbeat shit happening over here"
Marsalis later remembered what happened the night before
"Bitch that ain't my kid"
"Who kid is it then nigga? Look don't start with that shit"
"That's Ken's baby "
"You mean Keith?"
"Bitch , whatever I ain't claiming no baby and u ain't putting me on no child support either"
He Hung Up His Phone , thinking ,
"Damn she pregnant? Fr?"
He was later discharged from the hospital
With Minor injuries
He went back to the house and found everything turnt over
Carmen had taken her stuff and left
A Letter was on the table
Marsalis walked slowly towards it , picked it up and opened it,
Carmen was divorcing him and she wanted everything
Marsalis Couldn't Take It Anymore.
He Smashed A Vase That was sitting on the table and let out a loud scream that could've shattered your ear drums
He broke down in tears and cried
He felt like he had no where to go
Marsalis Was Finally All alone.
The following Day , Marsalis Received a call early in the morning from a strange number , when he picked up a man was on the line
"Aye Bitch ass nigga , mayne come get your hoe man that baby yours i know damn well that ain't my kid , this hoe sitting here using up all my goddamn food stamps Mayne, this bitch needa get the fuck out nigga"
It was Keith.
Carmen In the background:
"All y'all niggas some deadbeats! Fuck y'all!"
Marsalis After Collecting himself:
"Bro wtf is wrong with y'all , Carmen who baby is it?"
Carmen Went silent, Keith went silent waiting on her response
Carmen Mumbled Something
Keith "Bitch speak up, you was talking loud as hell before fuck wrong now?"
"Nigga i dont know who baby dat is okay?"
Marsalis was fed up , this shit was becoming more and more difficult everyday
"Until U ready to do a test get the fuck off my phone"
Carmen Never Contacted Marsalis Again , Up until the baby was being born
Keith had gotten fed up and begged for Marsalis to take her back
But Marsalis had told him to carry his own cross .
Even tho Carmen and Marsalis are not on good terms Marsalis still decided to be the man and stayed for the child birth
They could say nothing to the doctor when they asked who the father was
And Carmen refused a paternity test
Marsalis Named The Boy , Mias
Marsalis was left wondering , he took Carmen back in and took care of Baby Mias even with the uncertainty of him being the father
When Baby Mias Was Five Years Old , Marsalis Had Grown Fed Up and Pushed For A Paternity Test , Him and Carmen got into an argument
"Carmen I'm Tired, What If Mias Ain't My Kid, i been with that lil boy from birth, I love him, but what if I'm loving another man son?"
Carmen "Nigga Shut Up , You sound like a bitch , Baby Mias Is yours , now leave me the fuck alone"
Marsalis Grabbed her by the neck
"Get yo ass back here "
That LA blood running through his veins , bringing back out that gangsta side of him , Carmen's voice trembled
"We'll Do The Test, Goddamn Nigga"
They Left for the hospital , it was a quiet drive
No Talking, No Jams , Just the sound of the vehicle
They arrived and Marsalis heart started pounding he felt like his world would change with a simple result he wanted Mias to be his so bad , but could never say how he would feel if Mias wasn't
What If Mias Isn't Mines?
Marsalis Heart Pounded , he felt his legs shaking , his vision was getting blurry and he started sweating like I don't know what
They went through the procedure
And when the nurse came back the suspense was up
Nurse grace "Mr Frazer And Mrs Pritchett? Hi I'm nurse grace , you all came for information on your baby Mias Frazer's Paternity And The results came back.... Mr Frazer, You Are.....NOT Mias's Father,"
Marsalis Heart dropped to the floor , tears flowed like a river ," Keith was the father after all that hard work I put in , I'm not even the dad"
He Got up and left the hospital
He Hated Himself , He Hated His life
He wanted to die , Marsalis Was tired
Back At The Hospital Keith and Carmen had an argument and left Baby Mias unattended
"This Is Your Baby Keith, STEP UP"
"I don't want no kids Carmen, I already have to deal with you"
She Plastered a blistering slap on Keith's Face
And The Two started tussling outside the hospital
A tire slid as it sped off from the hospital
Carmen looked towards it and saw a child banging the back window
It was MIAS
Someone had took MIAS
Carmen Screamed
Mias Was Gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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