Don't Trust Her

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I got off the bus heading into the house my dad was cleaning the dishes from dinner last night. He did this every day. He would always procrastinate and then an hour before my mom would get home he'd hurry and do them so she wouldn't be annoyed.  My mom and dad were very much in love. They were always doing lovey dovey things like buying each other little gifts but making it a huge deal, or even rubbing their noses together before my mom left for work. Oh and my mom always called him hot cakes or sweet cakes. I know cheesy right?

"Hey dad I'm home!" I finally announced taking my shoes off at the door. "Welcome home sunflower how was school?!" my dad called back over the running water. that's another thing my mom only calls me honey but my dad always calls me different types of flowers. I thought it was really sweet. 

"School was okay! Lots of learning!" I yelled and chuckled back. "Well I'm a glad sweetie!" I smiled and placed my bag on the hook grabbed my phone and laptop and headed up the stairs to my room. I called one of my friends and must not have realized until I got up to use the restroom that my dad was done washing dishes. I giggled at the thought of him rushing to do the dishes. I was walking back into my room when i heard the door shut. I looked at my phone and checked the time. it was 6:23pm around the time my mom got home from work on a good day. I shrugged and closed my door opening my laptop to face time my best friend.

After what seemed like an hour i heard my mom call from downstairs. "ALEXA DINNER IS READY! COME DOWN AND GET SOME!" I said goodbye to my friend and walked to my door. I started down the hallway and froze when i heard a voice coming from the closet next to the stairs. my phone rang at the exact same time a text from my mom.

'ill be home shortly bad day today' the text said

My eyes grew wide and my breathing became heavy then from the closet i heard

"Don't go down there. I heard it too."


word count:380 words

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