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The End of the Affair

"Daphne, how much do you need to pack?" Karina whined. The red-head jumped on her suitcase, attempting to shut it.

"You need some help?" The blonde asked with raised eyebrows.

"Nope." Daphne panted. "Look, we're going to Chicago for a couple days, max." The heretic emphasised the last word.

The red-headed vampire folded her arms and leant on one leg. Raising her eyebrows at her best friend, Karina held her hands up in surrender. "I need every outfit I own. I'm getting Kol back and the first thing we are going to do, is partying." A sly grin swept on her face. "Well, it's not the first thing we'll do."

Karina's eyes widened, scrunching her face with disgust. "Ew! Ew! Ewww! Please stop!"

A buzzing zip erupted from behind the blonde. Turning her head, she saw Daphne dusting off her hands as the suitcase was now closed.

"Ha! We can go now." They both walked out, past the compelled bus boys who took their bags into the car.

As the car doors slammed and the engine sputtered and started, Daphne looked at Karina with a familiar and well used grin.

"Coffee?" The red-head nodded rapidly as they set off to the nearest café, on the road to Chicago.


"Oh, how I love city air!" Daphne exclaimed with a wide grin on her face. The grin that had been plastered on her face since one of their contacts informed them on the coffins whereabouts.

The blonde was glad to see her almost sister happy, the one and only reason she even likes the chaotic Mikaelson.

"What are you smiling about?" The red-head asked. Karina smiled even more, "I'm just really glad to see you happy." Daphne ran over to the blonde and engulfed her in a hug.

"Aww, ain't you two cute!" A familiar voice startled the elder two.

"Kathy?" Daphne exclaimed, rushing over to the brunette and pouncing on her with a hug.

Karina smiled and wrapped her arms around both girls. "You are aware that Klaus is here, right?"

"Why else do you think I'm here?" Katherine retorted with a grin on her face. "I'm guessing you're here because of a specific Mikaelson?"

Daphne grinned and nodded her head rapidly. Kath just looked at Karina and they both laughed.

"You should've been here in the 1920's. It was so fun stalking Stefan. Klaus and his sister looked good." The brunette wiggled her eyebrows at the two.

Karina looked confused at her friend's actions. Even more when Daphne mirrored them.

"I see it, very clearly." The red-head sang, Katherine humming in agreement.

"Can we go find your boyfriend now?" The blonde huffed.

"Fiancé, actually. He proposed before the half-dog daggered him." Her smile formed to an enraged look.

𝙉𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍, rebekah mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now