Prologue 2

109 14 4

Amritsar General Hospital

A man in his mis twenties is sitting in front of the operating theater, his white shirt is stained with blood, he was staring blankly at the red light with his eyes void of any emotion but looking closely you could see fear, he recalled how she screamed his name while she rolled down the stairs, her body stopped when she landed at the bottom of the stairs.

He also recalled how happy she was earlier on urging him to come home early, cuz she has an important news to share, only for him to come home only for him to come to meet here rolling down the stairs while screaming his name.
It took everything in him to pull himself together and bring her to the hospital.
What caused her to fall he did not know but he would definitely find out. All his thoughts came to a halt when the light turned off, as him along with his family members rushed to the doctor and bombarded her with questions.

Man (in a worried voice): How is she doing? Is she Okay,  when there was no response from the doctor he screamed Answer me dammit.

Doctor Ana: I will, once you give me a chance to speak. Your wife is fine but she lost a lot of blood the next 24 hours will be critical for her because when she fell from the stairs she hit her head really hard, which caused a clot in her head, we were able to remove the clot, we performed a brain scan and there was a little swelling it will go down in some time but it will be accompanied with serious migraine. And also ( she said something in mute that sent shock waves through the room), am sorry, please take heart, your wife needs you now more than ever.

Doctor Ana looked at the family in front of her and from the look on there face she knew they were not aware of the second news she gave them. As for the young man he looked as if his life has been drained for him, so many questions were running through his mind, Is this why she was so happy and wanted him to come back early.

The rest of the family was also in shock, especially the person responsible for this situation, she immediately developed cold feet and was breathing heavily. What will happen when they found out she was responsible for the situation.

Whose life is in danger?
What did the doctor say?
Who is responsible for this situation?

Hint: Twinkle and Kunj has consummated there marriage.
Next part character sketch.

See y'all soon, vote like and comment.

Peace and sorry for mistake

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