Fan Meeting

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Haechan came out on the stage and loud cheers were heard. 

Nami could not contain the happiness inside and started to cheer Haechan's name as well. 

They were in line for the signing of the album and everyone was so excited to have a little chat with their idol.

On the other hand, Haechan smiles for his fans but deep inside he can feel the exhaustion already as this is going to be a long day.

Time passed by, it was almost Nami's turn to go up on stage. 

She was fidgeting a lot, sweat beads forming on her forehead, her feet and hands started to get cold as if anytime she's going to faint. 

"I think I'm gonna pass out", she thought. 

The person in front of her was led by the staff to move forward and that's when she realized her heart was beating like crazy. 

As if it was on cue, the moment she stepped on the stairs, she felt her knees get weak and just like she predicted, her vision went black and her body fell onto the ground lifelessly.


The moment Nami opened her eyes, she was met by none other than her Nana.

"Oh my god dear, how are you feeling?"

Nami blinked a few more times to clarify where she was and what's currently happening.

"Nana, what are you doing here? What happened and why am I in the hospital?"

Her Nana took a deep breath and said, 

"You fainted a while ago. Luckily there were people who immediately called for help and they brought you here right away. I got a call from your number and I almost ran to get here"

Nami could not believe it. 

She missed her chance of meeting Haechan. 

She was so disappointed in herself. 

Why of all times, her body gave up on this one specific moment. 

She groaned loudly as she sat up from the bed.

"I couldn't believe it. I fucked up so bad" She can feel her heart fall from disappointment and sadness.

She thought the day could not get any worse but a knock from the door was heard and her doctor came in.

"Mrs. Park, I need to discuss with you a very important matter about Nami" he said.

"Wait. If it's about me, then I should hear about it too." she protests.

The doctor was debating whether he should tell this once and for all or not but she has a point.

"Alright. As you may know, your heart condition is not doing so well lately...

We had to run a few tests and learn about its status. 

Apparently, there was a comorbidity and it's greatly affecting your heart. 

I am sorry to say this but we found out that it was already in its last stage. 

The reason you fainted is one of its manifestations. You skipped monthly check ups and we were not able to monitor your condition....."

Her doctor paused for a second seeing that tears were forming from Nami and her Nana's eyes

"Is there....more?" Nana asked.

Nami held her breath, waiting for what she presumed to be more.. bad news.

The doctor took a deep breath and looked at Nami's eyes with pity.

"I am sorry but you'll only have a month to live."

Both Nami and Nana could not believe their ears. Due to shock, they were unable to speak so the doctor continues..,

"There's good news though. You can surpass more than a month by helping yourself. 

Start with your lifestyle. Drink your prescription and manage your schedule properly. 

I hope I could be of help but the only thing that Nami can delay it is by being happy. "

That night was horrible for Nami. 

She couldn't eat and sleep at all. 

Her eyes were puffy and she felt like shit. 

Nami decided to stand up from the floor she was sitting on for hours the moment she got home and wiped her tears. 

The moonlight was the only light that could be seen inside her dark room with walls filled with Haechan's posters. She stared at them thinking deeply about how she ended up at this point of her life. 

She was not able to meet him yet and now her chances were cut shorter to do so. 

Memories of her being at every event, shows and concerts of Haechan started to flow endlessly into her mind as her heart began to fill with regrets. 

A roller coaster of emotions began its way to Nami causing a shift into her mood. 

Somehow she felt scared. She got scared of the possibility of never meeting her idol ever. 

She started to panic and breathe uncontrollably. 

The idea of death got to her as she realized she was not ready at all. She wants to live life in its best potential. 

Due to feelings of suffocation, she ran outside her house and wandered the streets of her neighborhood. 

She cried and cried the more she felt the longing in her heart. 

She wants to meet Haechan.

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