Part 12: What Happened?

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There was blood on it...

Maya slowly opened the envelope in fear.

She opened it and read it.

It was from John.

"Dear, my sweet loving daughters. I can't wait until I'm free out of these bars to come see you and hug you. Dad loves you ok? This isn't the note you exactly want but I'm reminding you in a couple of months I will be out of this cell and I'm coming to your house to kill you.

Love, John."

Maya instantly dropped the paper and started to have a panic attack.

Jenelle comes rushing downstairs after doing her daily night face wash.


Maya: I-I-I-I-

Jenelle's runs towards Maya quickly.

Jenelle: MAYA?!

Jenelle shakes her as Maya bled through her eyes.

Jenelle: ?!

Jenelle uses her towel to get the blood.


Jenelle slaps Maya

Maya: !

Maya snaps back


Jenelle: Huh-?

Jenelle picks up the letter.

Jenelle reads the letter.

"Dear Maya, our phones are dead right now but they are on the charger. We wrote this letter to ask do you wanna visit some old houses we had been in tomorrow ? We would like to continue exploring like we did when we were kids. So hopefully you can come to our house when you are ready so we can have some fun!"

- Kayana & Bella

Maya realized she was hallucinating and started to calm down.

Jenelle: ...Maya this is a note from the girls-

Maya: I-I-I know...

Jenelle: Is everything okay?

Maya: ...

Maya looked like she saw the most outrageous performance, but on paper.

Jenelle: Maya I'm sorry...

Maya: No- I-It isn't your fault Aunt J.

Maya: I-I will just go to bed.

Maya went upstairs to her room and went straight to bed.

Mary: Maya...if you can hear me...please don't go into house 399...

Maya heard her mothers voice in her sleep.

The next morning Maya got dressed and skipped breakfast. She kissed Lilians forehead and hugged Jenelle, then went outside where the girls were waiting.

Kayana: Hey Maya!

Maya: H-Hey.

Bella: Come on! Let's go to house 398!

Maya got a random headache after hearing the house number.

Maya started to hear her mothers voice in muffles but couldn't understand what she was saying.

Bella: ok?

Maya: Uh...mhm.

Kayana: Come on lets go!!

The 3 girls walked 24 blocks down.

Kayana: This house is really dirty.

Maya: 399...

Kayana: Hm? What did you say Maya?

Maya: N-Nothing...

Bella: I will stay outside just it case someone comes.

Kayana: Ok.

Kayana and Maya went inside the house. And Bella followed.

Bella: Actually Nevermind...

Kayana: What's wrong?

Bella: I saw a naked drunk 57 year old man humping a dog...

Kayana: Ew...I forgot we were in the worst part of town...

Maya: This house has 4 floors...should we split up?

Kayana: Ok.

All 3 of the girls split up.

Maya went to the 2nd floor
Bella went to the 4th floor
Kayana went to the 3rd floor.

Bella's POV

Bella: Hmm...these beds are dirty.

???: *Whisper*

Bella: ...?

The mysterious voice whispers at Bella.

???: Your mother has died...someone killed her...

Bella: W-Wait wha-

???: Your sister lied to you...

Bella: Kayana would never lie to me...

???: Oh but she did...

The voice gives her a memory of her mother being killed by Kayana.

Bella instantly went pale.

Bella started to shiver and cry.


Bella dropped to the ground and started screaming and crying.

???: We could solve this problem with one solution...

Bella: ...

Bella looked up and saw a rope on the ceiling.
It was a noose.

???: Your mother is waiting behind this rope.

Bella got up and looked through the hole and saw her mother smiling and waving at her.

Bella: Mom...

Bella slowly walked towards the noose, there was a chair under it.

Bella climbed onto the chair and stared at her mother.

Bella: Mom...I miss you so much...

Stella: Come here and give me a hug baby!

Bella smiled and walked forward

The chair slipped.

The Face Of The UnexpectedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora