Chapter Twelve

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~ Bryce James' Birth options ~
Los Angeles, California

Bryce was having dinner with his family when he decided to talk about what he was going to do next. Although, he wanted to discuss about the birth options whether Bryce would do a home birth or hospital birth.

Bryce James: Hey dad.

LeBron James: yes my son?

Bryce James: can I tell you and mom something?

Savannah James: sure honey go ahead.

Bryce James: Look, I know it may sound silly or anything, but is it okay if I can do a shower birth?

LeBron James: shower birth? Why?

Bryce James: I mean I wanted the birth to be easy you know?

Savannah James: But Bryce, you have to do it in the hospital.

Bryce James: Mom, I don't like hospitals. I wanted to do it at home.

Savannah James: yeah but what if something happens to the baby? And what if the baby is big?

Bryce James: Mom, it's alright. I just wanted to try it out because I know for a fact that I wouldn't want any surgical tools ramming through my birth canal. Besides, I get very scared of the forceps delivery though.

The dining room got very quiet for a moment when Bryce had explained the real reason he didn't want to do the hospital birth. Savannah and LeBron nodded and approved of Bryce's decision to have a shower birth at home.

LeBron James: we'll do the shower birth, but remind me to go to Costco tomorrow.

Bryce James: Okay dad.

Savannah James: same here.

Bryce James: can I go with you guys to Costco?

LeBron James: sure baby, let's go tomorrow.

Bryce James: Okay dad.

Bryce James POV:

My dad was surprised that I talked to him about the shower birth. It's not like I don't like the hospitals, it's just that I don't want any surgical procedures to be done on my cervix. Just so you know it's a bit more confusing and gross at the same time. Anyways I'll have to wait and see. Although, my mom and dad will be the doulas since they were training on how to help someone give birth to their babies. I mean damn! I bet I wouldn't have to deal with the pain anyway and I won't be screaming during birth because I'm sure that it will be fine. Besides, I won't be crying when I push so yeah.

Bronny James: Man! My Brycie is dealing with mood swings 😵

Bryce James: Bronny stop making a fool out of me.

Bronny James: I know, but Bryce are you sure you want to do this?

Bryce James: Yes.

Bronny James: Okay.

Bronny James POV:

So my brother decided to do the shower birth in which it's going to be a challenge because he was the one who would always want to be with and yes, Bryce is my younger brother and yes he's five months pregnant. Somehow, I felt so bad that he had to deal with the breakup. I mean I've known Nygel since he came to the house, but my heart breaks for Bryce and Nygel since they are no longer together.

The next morning,

Bryce went to Costco with his family as they were shopping for their house. Somehow, Bryce was asking if he could help Zara out with the baby in hopes of him being the birth partner. "Uh dad? Can I go to Chloe's house when her sister is going to have a baby?" "Sure Bryce," LeBron said. "Okay thanks dad!" Later on, Bryce texted his best friend Chloe about his decision to do the shower birth at home.

To: Chloe.

- Hey sister, I wanted to tell you this, I'm going to do the shower birth at home, but my mom and dad think it's weird and going to be a painful process. I mean I never tried it before

- Bryce James

To: Bryce James.

- Okay that can work sis. Wait! How come your mom and dad was thinking that it's weird?

- Chloe

To: Chloe

- I have no idea sis and I know for a fact that it's painful. Plus, I'm not going to scream during the birth.

- Bryce James.

To: Bryce James.

- Oh okay. If that's what makes you feel most comfortable, go for it! 😁. I know shower births can be easy for you. I've seen a lot of pregnant NBA players do that.

- Chloe.

To: Chloe.

- Interesting! I think I can try that.

- Bryce James.

To: Bryce James.

- Yep! Oh and are you available to hangout today? My sister was thinking of taking you to the boba place this afternoon at 3pm.

- Chloe.

To: Chloe

- Yes since I have nothing to do at home anyway.

- Bryce James.

~ Time Skip to Hangout at the Milk tea place ~

Bryce, Chloe and Zara were at the milk tea place where they were catching up on what they were up to. Although, he's been looking forward to have his first baby shower.

Bryce James: so are you guys going to my baby shower?

Chloe: Yes sister! I'd love to attend your party.

Zara: that would be great!

Bryce James: great! I'll make sure to tell my parents.

Zara: Awesome!

The next thing they did was to discuss about the birth options and of course! Bryce had told them that he will be doing a shower birth at home. It may have been a challenge for Bryce when he's due to give birth, but he was hoping that the birth would be smooth, so that he will be a first time mom.

Bryce James: A secret life of a young athlete Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin