5 ~ Eavesdropping

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They strolled confidently toward an unoccupied desk in the open area where teachers were diligently checking in students. They took their seats, positioning themselves across from the teacher.

"Good morning," the teacher greeted them warmly, a slim man with a wealth of moustache that concealed his lips. His toothy smile radiated hospitality.

"Good morning, sir," her parents responded in unison.

With a gentle tone, he turned his attention to Afrakoma, the young girl seated before him. "And what is your name, sweetheart?"

"Afrakoma Chinery," she replied with a polite and composed demeanour.

He nodded and began typing away on his computer. After a brief moment, he sifted through a stack of papers scattered across his desk until he triumphantly retrieved a document.

"Aha!" he exclaimed, his eyes darting between the paper and the computer screen. "Here it is. Your admission was completed online, and the hardcopy was submitted to us via mail the following morning." He straightened the papers in his hands. "Everything has been prepared for you, so there's not much left to do. You'll need our handbook, which outlines our rules and regulations, a map of the school, and details on facilities and punishments for rule violations. We'll also provide you with a copy of the map separately, so you won't have to carry the handbook everywhere. You'll need your student ID card, uniforms, timetable, and dormitory keys. That covers it. To complete your enrollment, we'll need your signature in our student membership file, and we'll also require your fingerprints." He slid a file toward Afrakoma.

"In addition," he paused to address her parents, "one of you will need to sign the guardian form for her." He extended another file to her parents, and her father accepted it with a nod.

The file contained a brief questionnaire for her to answer, along with a set of terms and policies she needed to agree to. Afrakoma swiftly completed her portion, affirming her consent to the school's terms and policies. She then signed the document and handed it back to the teacher. Her dad followed suit, filling out his section and returning the form to the teacher.

The teacher proceeded to push a machine toward her, instructing her to firmly place all four fingers (excluding her thumbs) on it until the machine beeped a green light. She followed the instructions for her right hand, then her left, and finally, her two thumbs.

"So," the teacher reviewed her answers and nodded in approval. "That will be all, Miss Chinery. Actually, I don't have your items here with me, unlike the others. They are in Miss Dzigbordi's office." He offered them his toothy smile again as they prepared to stand.

By "Miss Dzigbordi," he meant Aku's mother, Aunt Elinam, who happened to be the headmistress of the school.

"Thank you," Afrakoma heard her mom say as they rose from their seats.

"You're most welcome, Mrs. Chinery. Enjoy your stay, Afrakoma," he said, giving a friendly wave.

Afrakoma turned and offered a wave in return, a polite smile gracing her features. She was becoming accustomed to the exaggerated smiles people gave her simply because she was a Chinery. Following her parents, they approached the office with a sign that read "Headmistress." Her father knocked gently before cautiously pushing the door open, allowing all three of them to enter.

Inside, Elinam Dzigbordi, a dark-skinned woman with a stylish low-cut hairdo, radiant red lip gloss, and an array of elegant jewelry, rose from her imposing oak desk positioned near a vast window that overlooked a serene green pond. The office was extraordinarily spacious, to say the least.

"Oh, my Brittany," Elinam walked briskly toward Afrakoma's mom and enveloped her in a warm bear hug, their laughter filling the room. "It seems old age never catches up with you; you grow more beautiful every time I see you!" the headmistress exclaimed.

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