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(Small Author's Note. Happy Birthday to Canada and Hong Kong!! And an Happy Early Birthday to Anerica~)

It was it. It was time. Arthur stared at himself in the mirror, fixing his tie as he ran a hand through his messy blond hair. The anxiety building up in him was letting him down. He was going to prom alone. The humiliation.

"Am I really going to do this because he told me to?" He asked himself.

He could just not go and not tell Francis. He wouldn't know, but something told him that he'd regret not going. Giving up on his internal debate, he went down the stairs to the ground floor to go back to school for this ' life changing ' event.

"You look stunning Arthur," smiled his mother, "Just like how your father looked."

He rolled his eyes at the comparison. He didn't look like his father all that much; he looked more like his mother. His parents waved him off as he made the walk back to school. This better be worth while.


Allistor was sitting in the Oxenstierna living room waiting for the Frenchman. Tino was currently helping him in the guest bedroom, doing his hair and giving him pointers on Arthur. Berwald was silently playing with Peter in the kitchen, helping him with homework at the same time.

"Francis! You're already five minutes late. I can't be sure on how long he'll stay there."

"I'm coming. I just want to make this night..Special." he smiles.

Francis walked down the hall and into the living room. Black suit and dark blue tie. Hair tied back. He was a whole new person now. The redhead gave a grin and placed a firm pat on the back on the other.

"If anyone says otherwise lad, I think me brother made an excellent choice."

"I'm flattered," he laughs, "But we better hurry as you said."

Allistor gave a curt nod and shouted a thanks and goodbye. Francis did the same waving to Peter in the kitchen. The young boy smiled and waved back.

"Good luck with Arthur, Francis. You need it."


Francis laughed, "I know Peter. He's a tough one...Thank you."

The two men exited the house and into the car where they sped off to the high school as fast as they could. Hoping to catch Arthur before he left...If he didn't already.

While the two raced the clock, Arthur stood in the gymnasium alone. fingers playing with the collar of his shirt as he looked around. As if he didn't look anymore awkward and uncomfortable already. The couples and groups of friends lingered around the gym as the music blasted through the speakers.

"This..Was a stupid idea." he mumbled.

Ten minutes into prom and he already felt the judging stares and heard the gossip. People passed him and purposely threw insults and rude comments.

' I told you he'd come alone. '
' Desperate fuck. '
' I'm not surprised Roderich ditched him. '

Those spiteful words made him clench his fists. Not out of anger but because they were partially right. He knew that what they were saying was the twisted truth, just as he tells bent lies. He sighed and looked at the gym door; he could walk out of here right now.

As his heart pounded with reluctance. As soon as he let out a breath, the doors to the gym slammed open, gaining everyone's attention. His head whipped to the noise. His heart jumped; his eyes widened and watered as the British man'a lips went agape. There he was. The one who he least expected to see.

The room around Arthur seemed to shrink as their eyes locked gaze. Francis's smile gleamed as he straightened up. His footsteps echoed throughout the room, past the music. His heart sped up immensely as Francis came closer.

"Mon cher," said Francis as he stood in front of Arthur.

His eyes glistening pure blue. He wasn't as tall as Arthur thought he'd be, but he was just a little bit over the bushy browed teen.


His voice cracked as he said his name. He was here. At Sideview River. On their prom night. He came all the way from Paris, France to London, England just to...

"My, my, you look even cuter in person~" he chimed as he observed him.

He came here. He came here. He came. He came for Arthur. For Arthur. Out of pity? Sympathy? Right now, at the moment, it didn't matter to him. It didn't matter why, when or how. He came all the way over here. For Arthur. And that was all that mattered right now.

As the clock ticked on, reality continued to crashed down on the green eyed teen. Everything seemed to slow down. His senses were full and alert. Ears were perked and body shivering. The Frenchman dressed in a suit and dark blue tie. His hair was up too! How was it possible to look even better than he already did. Francis looked down at him with the best smile Arthur has ever seen. Right here, right now. It felt like an eternity before the other spoke.


Arthur snapped back to reality, eyes focusing on the man in front of him at the moment. Blood rush to his cheeks and he wiped my eyes immediately. Hearing a small chuckled from above, he looked back up at the other.

"What's so funny?" he asked, a tic to his voice.

"Nothing, nothing. I just didn't think you'd be like this even in person."

"What!" exclaimed he as his eyebrows scrunched up as his finger pointed up at him, "How dARE you come here and-"

The soft laughter hit the ears of the Brit, causing his face to flush. Hearing his laugh personally right here was magic.

"Sorry my friend, but," his hand rested on the shoulder of his love, his forehead connected with Arthur's, "I couldn't help myself."

Arthur cemented himself on the gym floor as he stared back up at him, face burning as if a volcano had just erupted, or as if he had gotten a sunburn. The painful, but sweet feeling of Arthur's heart swelling up from happiness was something so foreign.

"Arthur, remember when you told me that Roderich wasn't able to take you to prom?" he asked the other.

He nodded, not trusting his voice. Throat dry and strained, Francis's gentle voice soothed his ears and his touch left Arthur shivering.

"And when I told you to come here anyways."

He nodded again.

"Well, here I am..To take you to prom. And look, we're already here." he finally finished.

Arthur looked down but wrapped his arms around the Frenchman. Tears brimmed his eyes as he trembled. Francis smiling and holding him back. People stared at the two, all surprised on how much that guy liked and cared for Arthur so much. And to come all the way over here to take him to prom when he's missing his own.

"You're embarrassing me." mumbled Arthur.

"Oh no. I am flaunting you." he whispered,"To all these people who think and look down on you...To show them how special you are and how you can prove them all wrong."

"How?"asked Arthur.

He had managed to get himself balanced on his feet and looked at Francis. Their eyes connected as they stared in silence. Heart beating, pounding in their chests as they held each other dearly. Francis leaned down slowly, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. Moving down to place one on the tip of his nose, finally stopping right in front of his lips.

"If you would allow me to. I'll show you how."

Arthur, face red and ready to faint from happiness, nodded. Francis leaned in and their lips connected. Sparks flew and their eyes closed. It was a dream come reality.

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