Chapter 5

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What is wrong with me? I wonder as I lie in my bed that night. My digital clock reports that it's midnight. Still, I'm not tired.

Why am I so rude? Why do I hate everybody? I smash my face into my pillow. When I was six and a half years old, I buried my face into my pillow and prayed,

Dear God, I am sorry for all the bad things I do. Thank You for dying on the cross and saving me. Please make me a Christian.


I was saved that very night, but I didn't act like Mom or Dad. When I go to church, everybody gets teary-eyed when the preacher talks about Jesus dying on the cross. I think that's sad, but I don't cry. Mom sings praise songs as loud as her vocal cords will go. Her voice is shrill and squeaky. I don't say a word. I can't sing. It angers Mom.

I wish I had a dog. My dog would understand me. We wouldn't talk, but my dog would say with his eyes, I love you just the way you are, Matthew.

Suddenly—as if by magic, I hear a dog's bark!

Wharf! Wharf!

I spring up in bed. There's a dog outside my house!

Wharf! Wharf! Wharf!

I leap out of my bed and slip into my shoes that are tucked slightly under my bed. My heart is thumping rapidly. There's a dog outside my bedroom window!!

Instantly, I shove the window door open and clamor out. I search around excitedly for the dog.


Behind the car, the dog's voice rises loud and clear. Slowly—to avoid startling him, I work my way around the car. My eyes are wide with ecstasy.

I'm face-to-face with large, round eyes. They're chestnut colored, and they stare directly at me. With people, I keep my gaze away from their faces. I can look at this dog. He is a pale blue with giant pointy ears. His legs are long and muscular.

The dog yips, twitches his ears, and zips down the driveway into the street. He then glances at me and bends his front paws, raising his rump into the air. His wiry tail wags excitedly.

I grin. The dog wants to play! I bound after him. He turns around and runs. His legs are amazing! They move against the ground as speedily as a bicycle wheel! I dash as fast as I can behind him.

We run for a long time. I pass several houses I've never seen before. I'm not even tired.

Soon, the sky turns a bright orange. The street is deep crimson. A bubble drifts past my nose.

That's when the dog stops. He turns his body around and looks at me curiously with his soft, chestnut eyes. Then he dashes after the bubble, leaps into the air, and pops it with his muzzle. He drops down and smiles, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

I want to ask, Where did that bubble come from? With his head lowered, the dog trots toward me and licks my hand. I giggle. His tongue is warm and slippery. Gently, the dog closes his mouth around my hand and leads me down the street.

We stop in front of a hole in the ground. I peer inside. Just then, a bubble appears out of the hole, floats toward my face, and pops against my nose! I let out another high-pitched giggle.

Three more bubbles dance out of the hole. The dog jumps up and slurps one! I laugh and pop another with my finger. The dog eats the last one as well!

That's when a giant column of bubbles booms out of the hole. Their color is creamy orange, reflecting everything around me. I'm standing a few feet away, but the bubbles still surround me. I'm standing a few feet away, but the bubbles still surround me. My fingers fly out in all directions as I pop the bubbles. Some pop against my face! With each pop, a ring of liquid appears on my skin. The dog jumps up and barks joyously, clearly loving the bubble. I let out loud shrieks of laughter. He looks hilarious as he leaps at the bubble, falls, does a twisty somersault before falling, and shakes off with a happy dog smile on his face! I'm chortling the whole time! My stomach hurts because I'm laughing so hard! My arm slings over the dog's neck as he raises his huge head and licks my face. The bubbles die down, and we begin to walk home. The dog's fur is velvety soft.

Soon, we're in front of my house. That's when I suddenly want to attempt something I've been longing to do for years.

I open my mouth.

My vocal cords tense up.

I suck air in.

Then a sound comes out of my mouth.


The dog sits and wags his tail expectantly. He believes in me. I clench my teeth.


My mouth closes.


I take a deep breath and repeat, "Deeeebeeeeee." A smile spreads across my face. I just spoke a word! My very first word!

"Deeebeeee," I say happily, stroking Deebee's neck. He lets out a happy sigh. Then he trots away and behind my house. Deebee is a stray. I can't make him live in my house.

"Deebee," I repeat with satisfaction, and I crawl back through my bedroom window and flop onto my bed.

DeebeeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang