chapter 1

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Word count: 2042 words.

Hailee's relationship with Niall went downhill

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Hailee's relationship with Niall went downhill. She was alone in her L.A. apartment. It was now January 13th 2022 and it has been 4 years since her and the former One Direction member have broken up.

So why was she crying, all of a sudden?

She had a bunch of used tissues strewn all over her living room floor. She was sniffling and not hearing the constant phone calls she was getting until her best friend Naomi (that she lived with for the past few months) came into the living room and tapped Hailee's left shoulder.

Hailee looked up; Naomi noticed she was crying her eyes out, before picking up Hailee's phone and waving it in front of her.

"Hey. Your phone's ringing. And guess who it is!"

Hailee's eyes widen at her phone screen, seeing the name 'Jeremy' on it. What the fuck? Why was he ringing her, all of a sudden? The last time they saw each other was for Hawkeye press, just a few months ago.

They do keep in contact with each other and the last time she has heard from him, he was filming Mayor of Kingstown season 2 in Canada.

She took her phone from Naomi and answered the call from Jeremy. Naomi walked back into her bedroom as Hailee wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Hey." She held the phone to her left ear, her dark brown hair was all over the place as she was lying on the sofa, in all of the wrong positions.

"Hey there darlin', how have you been?" His deep, gravelling voice send vibrations through her body. She had heard his voice multiple times throughout her years on the Hawkeye set and promoting the series, but nowadays whenever she hears it, she orgasms.

That was a weird thing for Hailee to think, but it was the truth... right?

"Meh." Hailee groaned slightly, taking ANOTHER tissue out of the large box next to her and blowing her bright red nose with it.

"Are you sick or something? I can hear you blowing your nose." Jeremy's voice echoed throughout the room as Hailee put him on speaker.

Naomi walked back into the room (probably going to get some popcorn or something) and she called out, know that Jeremy was on speaker, "She's not sick Renner, she's sad!"

Hailee sighed, rolling her eyes as Naomi just strutted in and walked out.

"Why are you sad? What's been going on?" Jeremy asked her.

"Uhm~" She was hesitating her every word, trying to explain the situation that was happening right now. "Well, it's been 4 years since my last relationship and I feel like... my love life isn't going anywhere."

She heard Jeremy hum in response. Hailee didn't even know what he was doing on the other end of the line. Was he in his music studio? Was he out with his family? Or was Ava with him?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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