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Swap woke up and yawned, getting ready, Swap sighed and looks for Carrot..


can't find him..

Swap went to the kitchen and..


The tall skeleton is back and smiling at Swap while Carrot is standing next to him, looking defenseless meanwhile a door closes behind Swap, she turned around in fear, then seeing a big skeleton, with a gold tooth and wearing lots of rings.
The big skeleton and Swap made a little bit of eye contact for a second then Swap quickly looked at the tall skeleton

"alright- what's going on?.."

"my bro wants this area, so right now he's gonna question y'all before doing somethin' with the don to get this area"

The big skeleton said while still staring at Swap.
Swap clearly got mad.

"question my brother and not me, but y'all still won't get this area"

the tall skeleton looked at the big skeleton and they nodded at each other, the big skeleton grabbed and carried Swap and took her to another room with him meanwhile the tall skeleton is still with Carrot.

The big skeleton puts Swap down and closes the door and blocking it making sure Swap won't be able to leave.


"geez calm down.. I'm just doing things as planned"

Swap gave the big skeleton a mean look then turned away from him and crossing her arms.

It was silent for the moment but the big skeleton started to talk

"wanna get to know each other? I'll go first, names Sans, Sans the skeleton but.. some call me 'Red' or 'Fell' but really.. I don't care"

Swap looked at him, still with an angry look.

"still mad, huh? well.. I'm sorry"

"apology not accepted"

Fell got angry clearly, it was noticeable.
Fell got near Swap and pinned her to an area

"don't act so fuckin' tough, you were so scared when you saw me at first. hell. we even made some eye contact. bet ya liked admiring me"

Swap of course got scared, Fell could hear her breathing deeply in fear.

Fell looked up and down then up at Swap.

"say.. ya do look cute with ya outfit.. you're like a lil berry. maybe ya can be my lil berry"

Fell started to chuckle then softly touch Swap's cheekbone with his thumb.

Swap of course couldn't focus, the smell of alcohol, blood, and cigars distracted her, even the fact he's touching her got her distracted.

Of course Fell found it adorable, his 'lil berry' was the only thing he wanted at this little moment

"glad I'm the one doin' this and not my bro, he'd really not like ya at this moment, he'd probably even kill you at this very moment"

Fell smiled and rubbed Swap's head, he smelled Swap a bit, his so called 'lil berry' smelled nice to him, like flowers, he thought of so many things at the moment

"you're so cute ya know that? I'd be so damn lucky to have ya"

"just leave me alone. I don't wanna deal with this anymore."

Fell chuckled

"sorry berry but ya can't leave til my bro is done talkin' to your bro"

Swap really wanted to slap him, the urge was big.

Swap looked at him then the door, she knew if she ran to the door he'd teleport.
Swap felt hopeless, but thankfully there was a knock.

Fell sighed and walked to the door and opened it, the tall skeleton was the one who knocked.


Fell turned to look at Swap then looked back at the tall skeleton

"eh.. I don't know boss how about we take another shop instead of this? In this same area? besides, we'd bother get something, you get your dream shop and I get somethin' I like a lot"

Swap couldn't believe what she was hearing..
this means she'll see more of Fell, and Fell gets to be with Swap a lot..

Swap gets too busy thinking and ignores what they say, later Fell goes to Swap and pats her head.

"I'll see ya around my lil berry"

Fell winked at Swap making her blush a bit then later the 2 other skeletons leave.

Carrot goes to Swap and hugs her tightly

"I'm so sorry.."

"Its fine, but let me guess you lied about this area so they can't have it?"


Swap smiled

"well you did good, they aren't taking over this family shop of ours"

Carrot smiled back at Swap.


Swap was still thinking about the things Fell did to her..

why was he so..

nice to her?..

does he..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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~° Just you and me °~ - Cherryberry - [Mafia] Fell Sans x [Cafe Owner] Swap SansWhere stories live. Discover now