The Kiddie Crush and the Puzzle Piece

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So in Kindergarten I had a crush on this kid...Lets call him Cooper.

So basically I had a crush on him and I'm 98% sure he liked me back. Anyways, me, Cooper, and my BFF at the time we'll call Sofie were playing puzzles. And Cooper was like, "Oh where does this puzzle piece go?" And my goofy self trying to be all quirky put the peice in his face and was like "Right there!" And we got called to the teacher's desk and I got lectured about shoving puzzle pieces in people's faces.

Also, at the end of the day my teacher told my mom about "The Puzzle Peice Incident" like what? You lecture a student and as long as it's not serious I don't think she should be telling parents.

And she tells my mom "It is probably just a little crush," and I'm like GIRL. STOP. WHY ARE YOU TELLING MY MOM MY SECRETS. And now thanks to you Mrs. Teacher, my mom is gonna talk to me about being kind and stuff.

Like lecture your students, but as long as I didn't shove the puzzle piece in his face so aggressively he started to bleed, you have to business telling my mom.

Well that's the story. Let me know if you want more stories about my crush "Cooper".


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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