Chp 1

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Draco knew he had to win, he had to show Potter and the rest of his little friend group that Draco Malfoy always won. So far, he has not beaten that stupid, oblivious, dense Griffindor at Quidditch, Pottah didn't even recoil at my taunting. He couldn't challenge him at studies since he didn't even seem to care for academic competitiveness, and that stupid granger still managed to beat him by a question in the previous end-of-second-year exams. Therefore, under no circumstances was he going to lose THIS TIME.

Draco paced his dorm room, his father had recently informed him of a competition that was to come this year, a perk of having a father in the higher places of society. Apparently, the Board of Directors for Hogwarts had decided along with the Head boy and girl who were each hand-picked by the Headmaster/Headmistress of the school, that the students themselves should be able to pick a representative, who would have the privileges of a Head boy and Girl while also representing the student body on the Board of Directors. They will be able to weigh on the decisions that will take place over that year.

Draco's heart filled with excitement over the news, he would have a shot at representing and shaping Hogwarts. He needed to win not only for himself and his rivalry with Pottah but for... Sobering up he glanced at his friends who were sending concerned glances from their perch on the sofa, he had to do this for Slytherin. Beckoning his friends with an incline of his head, he opened the door of his dorm room, his sombre gaze sweeping across the room.

As the Slytherin became aware of their prince's presence they straightened, each of them abandoning whatever they were doing, in favour of watching with rapt attention as their prince descended from his dorm, his friends immediately falling into step behind him. Holding a breath, they watched him stalk gracefully across the room, sitting down on the armchair that he had claimed in his first year. He looked up at the room who had their gazes drawn on him as Pansy and Balise took their perch on either armrest, which magically expanded for comfort.

Giving the room a warm smile, he began.

"Welcome to Slytherin, this is the house of the cunning, prideful, resourceful, ambitious, intelligent, and determined. If you are here then you are more than certainly destined for greatness. Slytherin doesn't accept the weak, it isn't weak, it isn't dark or dangerous or full of what some would call jerks. If you want to survive, then you must do what is necessary, that, is what makes us different and what sets us out from the rest. We do what is needed, anything to achieve what we desire. To tell you the plain truth what makes us envied, and hated. We Slytherins must stick together, look out for one and another. We are one in this house, if you have trouble with a fellow Slytherin sort it out inside the common room, to the rest of the school we must present a united front. Saying that I have a much more shocking question for you all, what do you guys think about, me finally taking off my Ice Prince mask outside of the common room? This does not mean that you have to show anything about yourself, only that you may have to agree with my opinions that go public." I let my nervousness show at the end, while I remained stern and confident throughout the majority of the speech, I let my house see my nerves at revealing my true colours instead of keeping the classic Malfoy-Slytherin-Ice-Prince mask. I bite my lower lip as I look up through my lashes, watching them contemplate my proposal, true Slytherins, the Hufflepuffs and Griffindors would have blindly agreed with their leader while the Ravenclaws wouldn't think about having a leader, they waay too solitary most of the time. I relax slightly when Blaise lays a comforting hand on my shoulder, "Me and Pans are here for you Dray"

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